Your essential HR guide to the King’s coronation
Your essential HR guide to the King’s coronation

Your essential HR guide to the King’s coronation

Your essential HR guide to the King’s coronation

On Saturday 6 May 2023, King Charles III will be formally crowned as the new King of the UK. This is the first time such an event has happened in 70 years, for many it will be a once in a lifetime experience. But what does it mean for employers? Stacie Cheadle, Croner-i Content Consultant and employment law researcher, sets out below your essential HR guide to the King’s coronation.

Closing business for day of coronation - Q&A

If I decide to close my business on the day of the King’s coronation, do I have to pay my employees?

Stopping staff taking leave on day of coronation

I will be really busy on the day of the King’s coronation; can I stop staff taking annual leave?

Mental health: making reasonable adjustments in the workplace

Continuity of service cannot be broken by a sham resignation; it must be a genuine and clean break for it to bring service to an end.?When continuity has not been broken, failing to follow a proper procedure to dismiss an employee with over two years’ service will render the dismissal unfair, and unless the employer can show evidence that a dismissal would have been fair had a proper process been followed, 100% compensation will be awarded.

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