Your Enneagram Type & Your Financial Habits
Your personality can inform everything from your?political affiliation?to your?relationships, so it’s probably no surprise that your Enneagram type plays a role in how you may manage your finances.?
Some Enneagram types are not motivated by money at all, while others see it as deeply important in their lives. Some types are driven to save, but not all for the same reasons. And still, every type funnels money into different spending categories -- from experiences to streaming, and everything in between.?
After surveying over 58,000 Truity users on their financial habits, we found some interesting links between Enneagram type and financial habits.?
Financial Trends by Enneagram Type
Enneagram Types 1, 5 & 6: Most likely to stress about having enough money for the future?
Most types claimed their biggest financial stressor was spending money when they knew they shouldn’t, but three types reported another response. Ones, Fives and Sixes were more likely to worry about having enough money to fund their futures. According to Molly Owens, Founder and CEO of Truity, this same fear likely stems from unique sources within each type.?
Rule-following Ones are probably more inclined to fear not being responsible enough with their finances. Fives often fear they won’t have enough resources, which may drive this fear of not being able to sustain themselves. Lastly, Sixes likely view money as a component of security, which is why they fear they won’t have enough of it.?
Enneagram 3: Most likely to report they were “very motivated” by money
Type Threes, the Achievers, were the most likely to report they were “very motivated” by money, with 41% claiming it was an important driver of their decision-making. Intensely focused on obtaining success, it’s no shock their salary and savings is one way Threes choose to define accomplishment.?
Enneagram 4: Most likely to report they were not motivated by money at all
Money isn’t everything, but it does help us do more -- so we weren’t surprised that most types said they were at least somewhat motivated to make money. The type that was most likely to say they weren’t motivated at all to earn? Fours. The Individualists are not materialistic, and are perhaps more comfortable defining themselves by their uniqueness and not their paychecks.
Enneagram 5: 23% splurged the most on media like streaming and gaming
Whereas most types spent the most discretionary cash on things like clothing, travel and dining, Fives stood out. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this introverted type spent most of their extra money on media, like music, streaming and gaming.?
Enneagram 7: 44% said they were happiest about “experience” purchases
Every other type besides Sevens said they were most happy with purchases they made that were “useful.” True to their personality as adventurers, Sevens claimed “experience” purchases were their best use of funds.?
In case you’re interested in your personal profile, here’s the full breakdown of financial habits for each type.?
Enneagram One?
Ones have a propensity to save versus spend, and want to make sure they have enough money for the future.
Enneagram Two
Twos aren’t likely to be interested in money for money’s sake, says Owens. “They may think of money as a way to care for loved ones or create opportunities to connect, rather than a goal in itself,” she explains.?
Enneagram Three?
Enneagram Threes are often high earners, who see money as a “very important” driver in everything they do. Threes are often concerned with status and outward appearance.
Enneagram Four?
Though they are the type most likely to say that money isn’t a motivating factor in their decision-making, Fours fell among the spenders of the Enneagram. “Fours may be more guided by their emotions in managing money, spending on the things that appeal to them instead of budgeting or being disciplined,” says Owens.
Enneagram Five
Despite being one of the types most likely to self-identify as savers, Fives also tend to stress about not having enough money for the future. Ever the rational type, they prize being capable and self-reliant, and finances may be one key way they measure that.?
Enneagram Six
Owens wasn’t surprised to see Sixes stress more about the future than most other types, hypothesizing the anxious Six may worry they won’t have security in the future if they don’t save enough today.
Enneagram Seven
Sevens are the adventurers of the Enneagram, so it makes total sense they spend a lot on travel—and they’ve been very pleased with those purchases. Sevens also self-identify as spenders. “Sevens are a little more impulsive,” says Owens. “They see a purchase they know can bring them happiness or fun, and feel FOMO if they don’t get it.”?
Enneagram Eight
Enneagram Eights tend to be high earners, who are fairly motivated by money. Although Eights aren’t stereotypically image-conscious, they do seek power and control. Owens thinks financial status could be a symbol of power and influence for the Eight—a way to show that they’re on top.?Plus, assertive Eights are likely to prevail in any negotiation about money—meaning higher salaries and better deals.?
Enneagram Nine
"Laid-back Nines may see money as just a means to an end, motivated to have just enough of it to keep life on an even keel," says Owens. "Nines aren’t much for showing off or putting themselves out to gain acclaim, and their attitude towards money follows suit."
To determine what is your enneagram type and financial habits, you can click the link below:-