Your employees will stay with you if;
- Compare your current reward & recognition system with that of other world-leading or trending organizations.
- Communicate the full value of your pay and benefits packages with other Total Remuneration Statements.
- Activate your line managers; develop them to create positive working environments that drive motivation and retention with Leadership impact.
- Make sure that your Employee engagement activities are in place and people enjoy they work.
- Feel them valued: get at least one suggestion from each member.
- Identify the key indicators for dissatisfaction of current staff turnover with Employee satisfaction Survey, it should be anonymous.
IF they are happy every employee will be a recruiter for your company. This will drastically cut down your hiring budget.
IF they are happy every employee will be a Brand Ambassador. This will definitely cut your branding expenses, because word of mouth publicity/marketing (WOMM) is most reliable and cost effective way to brand anything.