Are your employees engaged enough?
Rabison Shumba
Professional Speaker, Global Trainer, Change Management and Leadership Expert, Author x 10
Today we had a visitor in the office. It was a 11-year-old young girl, a daughter to one of the employees. She decided to go and see where her mother works. In no time she asked for space on the white board which was cleared for her. She wanted to express herself to the staff and leadership of our business.
She spoke to the rest of the staff saying “I would like to send a message to you for 2022. I wish you all good luck for the next year. I hope you enjoy your New Year in Peace”. The Cap to the message is when she then directed her messaging to the CEO by saying “Thank you to the CEO of the Year”. This message was directed to non-other than the author of this article. You can imagine the emotions that ran through my system on reading the message.
?Most of the employees did not read much into this decorated board choosing to get on with their work seemingly dismissing the messaging as “child’s play”. For me, a student of organizational behavior, talent engagement and leadership I had many thoughts and questions running in my mind. I draw a few thoughts below to challenge you the way I was challenged by this 11-year-old, Thembalethu (not her real name).
- What messaging do your employees carry to their homes every day? When they talk about the work environment what are they saying. How toxic or friendly is the environment you have created at work? Do employees look forward to going to work.
- ?No leadership is perfect, we all agree. However, what are your employees saying about your leadership to their loved ones? What image is portrayed of the leadership style your exhibit daily.
- Do your employees love to be a part of your vision, or they are hanging on just to pay bills or “there is no other option”? Given that there are options out there, would your employees opt to leave your environment.
- Given a chance, do you think there are skills out in the market that could join your business on account of the level of happiness your employees show in the market. Take note, your employees are your advocates in the world outside the walls of your business.
- Would your employee’s children be willing to be employed by your business after their parents retire? Would a parent be willing to send their child to your business just because they know how happy their child will be?
- Of the universe of words that employees have to say about you and the business, what proportion is positive? No workplace is perfect. The moment you join the team the environment ceases to be perfect. However, have you made deliberate strides to create the environment. Leaders are like parents; they spell the temperature and mood of the home.
The key lesson here is that an employee who is engaged and loves to be in your business will sell your business directly or indirectly. Quit looking for feedback from the market, talk to those who interface with you directly and know your true colors outside of the fa?ade you show the world.
Engaged employees are empowered and productive. Do all you can to create the right environment now and in the future.
Rabison Shumba (c) 2021