Is Your Electrical System Up to Code? Why You Need to Check
Apollo Electric Inc
Specializing in luxury residential & commercial electrical contracting. We raise the bar in quality & satisfaction.
Every day, millions of New Yorkers draw power for their homes and businesses from one of the largest electrical grids in the United States--many completely unaware that they may be putting themselves and others at risk. As a city whose architecture often dates back hundreds of years, NYC has many buildings whose electrical systems haven't yet been updated to current codes. Do you know whether your own electrical system is up to code? Here are some key reasons why you should find out--and why you should update your systems if they're out of code.?
Old Electrical Infrastructure Presents a Fire Risk
Simply put, wiring wears out over time. The insulation gets brittle, cracks form, and the metal conductors inside can become exposed. All of these factors present a serious fire risk. In fact, the National Fire Protection Association says faulty wiring is the second leading cause of electrical fires in the U.S. If your electrical systems haven't been checked in a while, chances are you've got some wiring or other components behind the walls that could ignite a fire, potentially decimating your home, office, and/or units around you.
Out of Code Wiring Can't Meet Today's Electrical Demands
The average demand for electrical wattage per person is far greater than it was even a few decades ago, especially in the past few years as our homes and businesses have become increasingly reliant on electronics. The average U.S. home now has more than double the number of appliances it did in 1950, and each one of these devices requires electricity to function. Most older buildings have fewer outlets than in buildings built recently, and instead of updating our systems, we rely on power strips to increase the number of available plugs. All of this demand takes its toll on aging systems, potentially causing circuit overloads, brownouts, power surges, and other problems.
Out of Code Electrical Systems Can Add Significantly to Construction Costs
Do you have a remodeling or renovation project planned for upgrading your space? If you attempt to do so and your contractors open the walls to find an out-of-code electrical system, updating that system now becomes the top priority, eating up the dollars in your budget. You must bring your electrical system up to code before work can begin--and that can add a significant amount of money to the overall construction costs. To avoid any unexpected expenses, have an electrician come in and check your system's compliance well in advance of starting any work. It's much better to get your system up to date before starting on a big project so you don't run into unwanted surprises.
Ensuring That Your Electrical Systems are Up to Code
So how do you know if your electrical system is up to code? The best way is to call in a professional electrician for a check-up. They'll be able to tell you if there are any issues with your wiring and help you get them fixed before they become a bigger problem. At Apollo Electric, our certified electricians can update your electrical systems reliably, affordably, and with as minimal intrusion as possible. For a quote, contact Apollo Electric today.