Your Ego is Needed
Ruby Fremon
I help conscious leaders heal their trauma and reclaim their truth. Let's journey.
The spiritual development industry has given EGO a bad rep. Many spiritual leaders continue to preach that in order to rise up/lead/grow/evolve, one must “let go” of their ego.
T H I S . I S . B U L L S H I T
These people don’t fully understand what the ego is, and perhaps you don’t either. So let me explain…
Your EGO is the part of the mind that understands and differentiates SELF from other. It’s the part of you that identifies with “I” and reacts to the outside world. It’s your self-esteem and your self-image; how you see yourself in the world.
Your ego is your personal identity.
By letting this go, you’re left with this unimaginable sense of being everything BUT yourself.
And yes, this is a form of spiritually bypassing your personal responsibility.
Y O U R . E G O . I S . N E E D E D .
Your ego is there to help you identify with yourself; to offer you your own personal viewpoint of the world around you, and help you understand where you stand.
Your ego is there to help hold you personally responsible to the life that you are creating for yourself.
Denying your ego is the same as denying yourself and WHO YOU BE in this universe.
Rather than deny your ego, learn to be aware of it, and create balance with it.
Too much ego leads to egotism + conceit.
Whereas a balanced ego leads to a confident + healthy sense of self, and understanding of your place in the universe.
Stop listening to those who continue to tell you to “let go” of your ego. This is the bullshit that’s keeping you small and diminishing your power.
Stand tall.
Own your confidence.
KNOW who you are + where you stand in the world.
H O N O R . Y O U R . E G O
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