Your Easy Guide to Self-Reflection (Part 1)

Your Easy Guide to Self-Reflection (Part 1)

This week's article starts with 2 questions.?

The first is, are you perfect?

If your answer ranges anywhere from, "nah, I could be better" to "holy friggin' God no!", this article is for you.?

The second question is, are more courageous or more fearful?

This question is probably a little tougher to answer because we'd all like to think of ourselves as being courageous. But courage can be relative to the circumstances you're facing. One of the toughest places to exhibit courage is when it comes to facing ourselves. Yep, being honest and balanced about who we are and who we aren't may be the ultimate measure of courage.?

In this article, we'll take a look inside. We'll examine ourselves for some common human flaws. We'll do a self-check for our own biases. Then, we'll look at our ability or inability to forgive ourselves and others, And lastly, we'll discuss how to use these gaps as opportunities to grow in these areas.?

But first, answer these 6 questions to assess how ready you are to check in with you.

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1. Are you willing to be honest with yourself?

This is the foundation of self-reflection. You need to be willing to confront your own thoughts, beliefs, and actions with honesty. Are you prepared to acknowledge your weaknesses, faults, and mistakes? Being open to seeing yourself as you truly are is crucial for growth and self-improvement.

2. Can you put your ego aside?

Ego can be a barrier to self-reflection, as it often leads us to defend ourselves and our actions before considering that they might not be justifiable. Are you able to set your ego aside and look at your thoughts, emotions and actions objectively, without letting pride or self-importance cloud your judgment?

3. Are you open to feedback from others?

Self-reflection is not always a solo activity. Sometimes, we need the input and perspective of others to help us see our blind spots. I've been doing this work for nearly 20 years and I still need the help of others to identify areas where I can grow. How about you? Are you open to listening to constructive feedback from others, even if it's difficult to hear?

4. Are you willing to be vulnerable?

This may be the hardest thing to do. Our world has taught us to keep up defenses. That people are selfish and greedy. That the only way to "get ahead" is to be strong and follow the crowd. This usually shows up as a fear of admitting our shortcomings, failures, and fears. Honestly, this will be uncomfortable and make you feel vulnerable. Are you willing to embrace this vulnerability as a necessary part of the self-reflection process? Accepting and exploring these feelings will lead to valuable insights and personal growth.

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5. Can you approach self-reflection with patience and compassion?

Because we're always changing and growing, self-reflection and self-improvement is a lifelong journey. It's essential to approach it with patience and compassion, both for yourself and others. Are you able to recognize that change takes time and that it's okay that will make mistakes and fall short along the way?

Once you've assessed your readiness for self-reflection and can answer "yes" to these questions, you are ready to begin the journey to growth and self-improvement.

Remember, you aren't perfect. And you don't have to be. Embrace your imperfections with courage. Be sure to join me next week for part two of the series, where I'll show you the 4 Step Journey from Self-Reflection to Self-Mastery.

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Some extras:

Join me for the How to Win at Everything Panel Discussion: Empowering Black Women in Business Through Emotional Intelligence

Reach out for help changing your personal or business culture: [email protected]

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1 年

I'll keep this in mind.


