Are Your Ducks in a Row for the Real Estate Boom?

Are Your Ducks in a Row for the Real Estate Boom?

As a career mortgage professional, I have watched the market as it has moved up and down throughout the years. From the housing crash through the last resession and now during the COVID 19 Pandemic. I know from my own experience that through it all housing rebounds and real estate transactions continue to take place. The last few weeks got me to thinking about what sets some Realtors and Mortgage Professionals apart from the others? The answer rang out perfectly clear - its the professional that does thier work day in and day out to serve thier clients especially in times like these that historically excellerate out of the gate once the rough spot has passed.

So I wanted to share with you 5 tips that will set you apart and further set YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW for the coming Real Estate Boom.

Work every day! - I know this sounds simple and should be considered something that should go without saying, but believe me it needs to be said and for that matter you should remind yourself constantly of the importance of it. Over the last few weeks I have talked to 100s of real estate agents and mortgage professionals from single person shops to large organizations with many employees. I must say I was greatly dissapointed in the tone that most had. "The sky is falling chicken little", many seemed to have developed the attitude "I'm just going to roll over and take it". That is a major problem for any of you that want to SET UP your own personal Real Estate Boom. On the other hand, perhaps this will weed out those in our industry that are not truly passionate about what we do.

So now what should we do while we work every day - especially while most of us are on Shelter-In-Place Orders? ...... Glad you asked:

Self Evaluate! Take this time to evaluate yourself and your work routine, how do you originate your clients, how do you data track potential and past clients? Oh the old self evaluation thingy! Yep - I find in my own position that the more I self evaluate the better or more sucessful i become, thorugh this several years ago, I made the transition to no longer working for money... yes, what? I know it sounds cliche, but I found that i had spend more time, which caused more stress and headache focusing on the "NEXT" check. I figured out that focusing so much on the money and when it would fund consumed me to the point that I was really enjoying my career. When you dont enjoy something your typically dont do that well at it. Did you see where I am going? Making the shift to no longer work with the focus on the money came through my own personal self evaluation. Today, I love what I do and love doing it with the people that are my referral partners and clients. I also learned what was working and what was not, it helped me to eliminate the things that were not working and focus on the things that were, which increased my business volume and freed a lot of wated time up. So if you feel your business is slow, then you need to self evaluate, because there is a lot of opportunity to set up you own personal real estate boom today!

Ok so what do I do now? Work, evaluate ..... what now?

Call Everybody! One major thing I see in most people that are not living life at its full potential or performing sucessfully in their job is they would rather send text messages or emails to comunicate with clients and referal partners. If this is you, please take my advice and change your bad habit! Right now during this time, there is no better time to call every potential client that you have talked to over the last 12 months and to call all the clients that you closed a deal with over the last 24 months. You have the oppotunity to be sunshine in someones life just by simply calling and seeing how they are doing. These calls will lead you to previous poteneial clients that have not given up on buying a home or obtaining a mortgage, and guess what....... that is the start of your own Real Estate Boom being set up! Past clients may be looking to refinance or sale! Everyone you talk to has the ability to pass your name and contact to someone they know. Effort sets up results every time.

Relationships! Strengthen Referal Partner Realtionship and create new ones. Now is a great time to reach out to your existing referal partners and strengthen those relationships, just call them up and see how they are doing today, you may be suprised but that phone call will be well recieved and remembered for a long time to come. Reach out to new potential referal partners and let them know who you are and what you do, what sets you apart from the others? ...... That is an easy answer, YOU DO! Not a product, nor a house, nor an interest rate and especially NOT THE NAME OF THE COMPANY you work all comes down to you!

So what's the 5th tip? I personally think its the best tip of all:

ME! - That's right, I said me. If you are not working with a peer partner like me, you should be! Now is a great time to for you and I to talk, email me at [email protected] and we will schedule a time to discuss how developing a referal partner relationship with me will benefit your business and help you set your DUCKS IN A ROW and SET UP your own personal Real Estate Boom!

Call 662-268-8877 for all your mortgage needs! At 1st Legacy Capital we specialize in helping consumers from all walks of life achieve the dream of homeownership. Call you past clients and lets set up a credit


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