Life has once again eclipsed it’s overall trip around the cycle of wherever it goes and currently feel like I’m back at the start!
It’s not a bad thing though
I feel like this is where I’m supposed to be apart from some bills and other things I still need to clear up I’m in the perfect position
For those who don’t know I gave up being an entrepreneur for a while and went back to work not through need but because I thought I enjoyed it
That turned out to be a horrible mistake, I couldn’t seem to find the same positive feedback as helping people
I slipped a little into a little bit of a depressive spat and then beat myself up a little more.
This highlights for me the need to put yourself in a position where you have complete control over your life, the people you surround yourself with and be the example
I’ve been helping people build online brands for about 4 years and I have grown more than even I can comprehend
The joy how ever is watching some of those people kick awesome goals, even if it took them a long time to get it I see it now and love it
I see people that resisted for almost 2 years for various reasons and now they are people of action and major things are happening for them!
We all have limiting beliefs and mostly they are from our child hood conditioning.
Most people are unaware of ( as was I ) a lot of things that happened in their child hood that led to them being the person they are.
Over the last few weeks I have been having conversations that reveal who I really am, from moments of reflection that I didn’t even know held power over me
I kind of owe this to the fact that I am always willing to go deep in the conversation
Currently I’m very aware that this post is me me me, but it’s not really it’s about you as well
We are so different but so the same
We are so ready to judge ourselves and others but we do so before we understand
And this hurts ourselves, falling in to a pattern of spite, self pity or hate rather then coming from a place of love and understanding
I remember the saying before you can break the rules you have to know and understand the rules
It kind of makes sense to me if you apply it to yourself
Before your hard on yourself you have to know and understand yourself
It’s rather difficult particularly in the digital age where you have keyboard warriors putting their two cents in every minute
And this also causes people to refrain from particular topics that they might truly believe in but think they might cop hate for
Your aren’t free if you can’t talk about things you believe in or express yourself and if your developing your self as a brand it’s these key things that make you who you are
Things that people will jump on your fan train for
What I’m saying is don’t pay attention to the noise
It’s mostly people who haven’t dealt with their own bullshit and are projecting it on you.
Your not going to be liked by everyone, it’s never happened, it’s just different now because you can hear the haters
Remember that loud mouth in high school that was always the loudest person over-bearing everybody in most situations
Were they always right?
So don’t listen to those same people now
Everyone should spend time working out who they are
Improving their mental acuity
Improving their health
Improving their capacity for happiness
And these things are inexplicably linkedE