Getting an "Oldtimer" car in Europe
The cheapest cars around are in USA. Good news are that these cars can be transported to and imported in European Union cheaply and easily. "Oldtimers" vehicles older than 30 years can be imported with 0% (zero) Customs Duty and only 6% (six) Value Added Tax.. Newer vehicles will be charged 10% (ten) Customs Duty and VAT will vary according through which country vehicle is imported to EU. USA market offers a great number of newer automobiles that are much cheaper than comparative cars in EU and they are a real bargain if you would consider buying damaged used automobile. Adjustment to European standards of automobiles produced for US Market which are less than 30 years old (Homologation) is needed and can be acquired.
Beside shipping cars from anyplace in USA Worldwide, we offer help in sourcing and buying cars from USA.
In 28 years of servicing our customers we have shipped more than 8000 vehicles from USA, mostly to Europe!