Your Dream Is Inside You
Image Courtesy of Jennifer Burklow

Your Dream Is Inside You

I remember growing up there were times that something would happen that I thought was so special, I’d say to myself “you must remember this, don’t forget it.” I thought that if I told myself to remember I would. I know all those little things are tucked away inside of me, but so many things seem to have been swept away.

I guess it’s because life takes over and those things that once made you smile begin to dissipate. The one thing I remember enjoying playing more than anything else was Barbies.

I had the most amazing Barbie house that my Father had built for me. I would get so into my fantasy world that I would not make a peep. There I’d be lost in my imagination, my dream world of make believe and loving it.

On at least one occasion that I recall, my Mother came to check on me because I was so quiet. As an only child, I learned to entertain myself and get lost in my own dreams.

As an adult, I picked up and Barbie and recalled how much I loved to play with mine, but I did not know how to do it any more. The ability to play like I did as a child was gone. It vanished and did not say good-bye to me. Perhaps I said good-bye to it.

I dunno.

Along the way, somehow I lost it, the ability to dream. I’m working on recapturing it and it’s not easy. It doesn’t feel natural the way it once did. 

I’m fortunate to have my friend and coach John-Erik remind me of concepts are helping me to reconnect with dreaming. You see as adults somehow we get it all mixed up. You think about something and make it a great big scary monster and that monster prevents us from taking any action.

You freeze. You just keep trudging through life even though we know there is something else we should be doing. You know that you have gifts to give the world but somehow the thought of doing so is overwhelming. 

John-Erik referenced a quote from Cinderella, “a dream is a WISH your HEART makes. As a child, I had the animated movie on vinyl. I had all the Disney movies, so I know I heard this and yet I forgot it. 

It is actually a song she sings and I think it’s one that should be remembered because there is truth to what is said. If we pay attention there are lessons all around us, but you get busy and forget. 

As a child, I longed for the happily ever after part, what I not know is that happily ever after takes a lot of Hard Work. And like John-Erik says, “this is why most dreams stay wishes. Dreams require work!”

But if you think about it, it makes sense. A beautiful big tree does not start off that way. It begins as a seed. The seed is watered and over time it grows. 

This week, it came to me. I know something that I want to do to make the world a better place. My dream is to write a book that helps children, and maybe adults too, that helps them deal with change. 

The great thing about kids is they adjust when there is change. They have to because they have little choice. Adults are in charge. However, they experience emotions and stress related to change but may not know how to handle them with ease.

I want to provide a set of invisible tools that you can access when you desire so that whatever is going on can be a bit easier to deal with. 

The thought of writing this when I really think about it gets me a bit choked up. I start to freeze at the thought of taking on this endeavor. That inner voice starts to whisper things like:

  • Who are you to write such a book?
  • You aren’t trained to be a writer!
  • This is stupid. You can’t do it!
  • There’s already other stuff out there why would anyone want to hear what you have to say?
  • What do you have to say that has not been said?
  • How are you going to get started?
  • You don’t even know what you want to include in this!
  • Stop living in a fantasy land and be a regular adult already!

Isn’t funny how the inner voice does not start to cheer you on? It seeks to keep you where you are so that you just remain trudging along in life. 

The thing is finding what that dream is inside of you may take time. You may not know what it is other than there is something there. Just knowing you have something to offer is a place to start.

Allow yourself to grow. Allow yourself to dream without judgement. Make a list of things that makes your heart sing, those things you wish for. 

The first list I made was not from my heart. It was more of a way I want my life to be. I was judging myself for daring to dream. I made a new list of wishes right now. 

  • Create a best selling children’s book.
  • Have an animated series based off the book I write.
  • Have an animated movie created based off the book and series.
  • Sell merchandise that’s related to the book, series, and movie including T-shirts, a notebook, calendar, baseball hat, socks, stuffed animal, pencils, markers, and pens.
  • Create a movement to transform lives.
  • Be known as a source of goodness.
  • Be a speaker at a TedX event.
  • Be invited to be interviewed by: James Altucher, Lewis Howes, Tom Bilyeau, Oprah, Gary Vaynerchuck and others
  • Leave a legacy behind that helps others feel less lonely and to dream.

This is my list. I don’t know what will happen. My crystal ball is M.I.A. But the thing I do know is I can start to take small steps to water the soil of the seed I planted. Today, I will make a list of concepts I want to cover in this book. It’s one small action.

That’t where it starts. 

I could just continue to allow my wishes to remain where they are, in my head and in my fantasy, or I can take a small step towards where I want to go. I’m choosing the latter.

For you dear reader, if you made it this far, I want you to take out a piece of paper and just start writing the things that are in your heart. Maybe you’ll be like me and your initial list will be off. Don’t worry about that. You can make this list as often as you like.

The thing is, it’s time for you to start dreaming. It’s time for you to remember what it’s like to be in your own world of make-believe. Wish whatever it is out loud and then allow it to grow as you grow. 

I hope you found these words useful and perhaps inspiring. I would love for you to follow me on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn. I am Alanda Carter on all the socials.

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Massive amounts of love and tons of hugs, and remember, Change Starts Now, Alanda


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