Is your dog what he (or she) eats?
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Is your dog what he (or she) eats?


You know the adage, we are what we eat, and the American population is eating unhealthy, unfit foods, and our waistline and declining health prove it.


It raises the question, what about your furry family members? Are they what they eat?


The short answer is yes, and the expanding girth and increased health issues among pets prove it.


This raises the question, what do we do about it? Do we laugh it off as we waddle down the path of decreasing health and lower mortality?


I hope your answer is NO!


The American government has approved foods that have proven harmful in large dosages because it says they are not harmful in small dosages.


Well, that makes sense.


My grandfather used to say that nothing on a pig goes to waste; even the squeal is used to make music. The idea was that every part of the human and animal was used for some consumption.


His idea is all too common in today’s food processing manufacturers. They are utilizing more non-edible parts of the slaughtered animal to create meat-byproducts.


These products are then “rendered,” which means they are overcooked until all water is done.

Any fat is skimmed away, leaving a dry-stew concoction baked at high heat until hard.


This oversimplified explanation gives you an idea of how most dry pet foods are created.


The question with the process is if it diminishes the nutritional value of the food.


The answer is yes. The combination of over-cooking and high-heat baking removes most, if not all, of its nutritional value. Think of it like the pig-skin pork rind (not that it has nutritional value). After being processed, it is baked or fried until it is an airy, crispy snack.


What makes it edible are the ingredients placed on it to appeal to the taste buds.


It is no different with your furry family member’s food.


I came across a pet food infomercial (check it out) that provides good information about dog foods.


I am not endorsing the infomercial or its product, but the content before the hype is worthwhile.


The Petandim supplement I offer is an excellent way to help your dog live a happy, healthier life, even if you cannot afford higher-priced pet dogs.



Here are ten ways to have a happy, healthier dog when you cannot afford the dietary change.


Exercise Daily

Just like us, studies show that regular exercise is good for our pets. You don’t have to go to extremes – even two walks per day can improve fitness. So, grab that leash and get outside – not only will your dog thank you, but studies suggest that people who regularly walk their dogs are healthier as well – a win-win for everyone!

Keep a Lid on the Treat Jar

More dogs than ever are obese or overweight. Extra body fat increases your dog’s risk of developing diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. One way to monitor if your pup is getting a little chubby is to use a body condition scoring system (which is A LOT easier than trying to step on a scale while holding a Great Dane)!?

Mind Benders

Dogs need mental stimulation to keep their minds sharp and help keep cognitive dysfunction syndrome at bay. Food puzzles, interaction with other dogs and play time are a few ways to keep dogs mentally fit!

Schedule Annual Veterinary Visit

Routine physical examinations can help detect small problems before they become large ones. See your veterinarian once per year for your dog’s wellness check. An ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure.

Check for Lumps and Bumps

Give your dog a thorough once-over every month. Carefully feel for any kind of lump or bump. Early detection is a key to cancer prevention.

Avoid Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Even dogs suffer negative health effects from exposure.

Play Every Day

Throw a ball, hide treats or play tug of war. Your dog will appreciate the stimulation and play time will strengthen your bond. The extra exercise is a health bonus, too.

Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Periodontal disease has the same negative health effects in dogs as in people and good dental health is an important part of a dog’s health regimen. With a little training, brushing your dog’s teeth every day not only helps their health but makes their breath much sweeter!

Clip Toenails

Toenails can become ingrown or impair your dog’s ability to walk. Regular trimming once per month keeps toenails in tip-top shape.

Lots of Hugs

Our canine pals look to us to provide love, comfort and support. Letting them know how special they are can make their day – and yours too! Hug your dog every day or, if your dog’s not a hugger, a belly rub works too!





For a detailed study on the benefits of Petandim, send an e-mail to healthydog_happyyou@gmailcom. I will send you a PDF of the report.

I promote a vitamin supplement called Petandim and believe in its ability to promote a healthy dog. But a vitamin supplement alone is not enough.



This weekly blog seeks to deliver the total package for a healthy dog_happy you!

Disclaimer: I am passionate about the things I write. I diligently research my material before committing it to print. However, I am not a veterinarian and do not offer medical advice; nor am I a financial advisor and do not offer financial advice concerning your pet.

Note: This story contains a link for a supplemental pet product. If you click a link and purchase, I earn a commission at no additional cost.


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