Your Deeper Potential
One of the themes we’ve been exploring in these bite-sized blogs is the enduring question of who we really are. We’ve touched on the fact that we are all deeply conditioned by our early childhood experiences that shape our identity and account for almost everything we think and feel for the rest of our lives. But the question remains – is there anything more to us than the masks we wear and the roles we play? Since time immemorial, this subject has occupied the attention of mystics, philosophers and seekers of truth. Their conclusion is that our sense of self is nothing more than a superficial distraction from the wonders within our consciousness that are waiting to be explored and expressed. Interested? Let’s take a closer look.
Breaking free from the roles we play requires a simple method to interrupt the conventional but chaotic flow of thoughts and feelings that fill our attention. Mindfulness can certainly help us as we learn to pause and consider the stream of consciousness from a distance. When we no longer react to the emotional and mental energy but practise a simple form of detachment, considering the tangled rush of thoughts dispassionately, we begin to sense that we are in fact quite separate from our minds. There is a hint of something else, a suggestion of a different version of ourselves that is beyond the familiar stream of? thoughts and feelings. We learn to ask where these thoughts come from. We question why we allow negative feelings to disturb our inner peace. These are the initial stages of freeing ourselves from the roles we play. Beyond these familiar disguises, we open the possibility of discovering a sense of identity that is no longer constrained by the limits imposed by our childhood conditioning.
The ancient seekers of wisdom suggested that this deeper sense of self touched upon the divine that shines within every living being. They claimed that this is where we may unveil the answers to every question we might pose in our quest for a fuller understanding of the nature of reality. Now it is up to you to discover what is waiting for you beyond the boundaries of your roles and masks and the personality imprinted upon you during your early childhood. Enjoy the adventure.