Your dark queen is yelling OFF WITH THEIR HEADS...until you start listening

Your dark queen is yelling OFF WITH THEIR HEADS...until you start listening

When did you learn that it was “selfish” to do what you wanted???

??When did you learn that pleasure was only to happen AFTER the work was finished???

When did you learn NOT TO TRUST your desire because it was ??DANGEROUS ??– you might get hurt, hurt someone else, or somehow stray from the condoned narrative of your life.??

??For many women, these messages came subtly over years and were reinforced by the KUDOS and ACCOMPLISHMENTS that come with SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTIVITY. (<-- “let’s get things done!”)??

??And then, somewhere along the way PRODUCTIVITY became the road to PLEASURE.??

??It became more pleasurable to do your TO DO LIST than to DO YOUR PARTNER.??

??It became more satisfying to follow the predictable formula of college, marriage, career than step out into the WILD UNKNOWN of your heart and the desires tucked away in there.??

??Somewhere along the way, you might have just lost heart and your desire all together.??

??Where did it even go???

??It doesn’t surprise me that 30% of Americans are on antidepressants, that countless are numbing out with drugs-alcohol-media-consuming, and that young adults often feel rudderless in what seems like a futile existence of chasing The Happy that is only experienced in punctuated moments.??

?????? That way of living is over.??????

??The veil has dropped…have you noticed???

??I have. And YAY! ?? Thank goodness.??

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??Now is the time to partner with your DESIRE. To get to know the ??HEALTHY QUEEN that lives in you…she is the one who has authority, kindness, boundaries, and lives in ease.??

??When your Queen is not attended to she runs around screaming “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS” angry, resentful and out of alignment.??



Join me Thursday, April 13 at 10 am PT/1 pm ET for The Alchemy Hour, a free salon for women - ignite something wild and fresh in your life.

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Jenny Glick, MA, MSC, LMFT, CST的更多文章

