Your Daily Dread : How to Cope When You Feel Kinda Hopeless
Heather McKenzie, MS, LCMHCS
Therapist, Clinical Supervisor, Anxiety + Emotion Management Aficionado
Whether it’s general malaise or outright dread, waking up each day feeling ‘meh’ really stinks.
We only get one life. And while there’s a ton that we don’t get to choose, we do have agency over certain things that can help to shift our daily experience.
Let’s quickly explore why we feel dread & hopelessness in the first place and then identify actionable options for coping and creating some change for ourselves.
We feel dread and hopelessness when:
All of us face uncertainty, difficulty, and lack in life.
So of course it makes sense that we feel dread and malaise. And if we want, we can try to offset this dread by taking specific action in various areas of our life and daily experience.
I like to take a wholistic perspective on dealing with dread & hopelessness...
We can create some positive shifts from the inside....out.
I like to imagine nesting dolls here.
If you’re not familiar, a nesting doll is a carved wooden doll that opens up and reveals a smaller version of the same doll inside, which also opens up to reveal an even smaller version, and so on.
The dolls nestle together to make a whole unit.
All the individual inside dolls contribute to the overall stability & weight of the fully assembled doll.
We can approach ourselves the same way.
My grandma gave me a set of nesting dolls as a kid (still have ‘em, as pictured!) and the set has 5 dolls.
So I’m going to break our "dread coping strategies" into 5 areas for you to focus on.
5 areas to address when coping with dread
There are a lot of ideas for you here – take a skim and pick a few that appeal to you most.
1. Managing your internal thoughts & feelings (tiny doll)
First, recognize your hopeless feelings as a natural human response. Remind yourself of the reasons listed above that we feel dread.
2 - Attending to your physical body (small doll)
When stress & uncertainty is high, we ideally want to keep our physical self and immune system strong to counteract that extra drain on our system.
Know that your lower body & brain send messages back and forth to each other 4 times per second.
They are constantly reporting about “the state of the union” and assessing how you’re doing.
If you can attend to your body in ways that bring calm or soothing, this will help soothe the emotional parts of your brain that may be sending out distress and dread signals.
Breathing intentionally?–
I know it’s cliché, but it’s cliché for a reason.
Nutrition –
Most of us are pretty adept at using food to shift our emotional state. Either to calm & soothe or just to give us something else to focus on. When trying to address dread, we are trying to focus on areas that we can control or shift. What we choose to eat is on this list!
Movement –
Hydration -
Sleep -
Poor sleep diminishes our ability to function physically, to think clearly, and to put in effort to manage challenging situations & emotions.
General physical care –
Most of us have predictable & consistent control over our basic self-care activities like brushing teeth, showering, changing clothes, etc. Control helps to offset hopelessness.
3 - Intentional daily activities and choices (medium doll)
We can offset the lack of control by incorporating predictable and consistent things into our home and daily activities.
Consider ways you can bring additional aspects of pleasure to your daily routine.
You may already have a daily process when it comes to waking up, grooming, eating meals and doing work/school or caring for others.
If not, start there! Create a predictable routine. Then let’s add in some helpful extras to nurture or soothe:
Get outside -
Hobbies & fun activities –
Consider how you can put time into your hobbies or other pleasurable activities.
Projects & tasks –
Laugh –
Memories –
If adding new things to your days feels out of reach, you can always rely on your fond memories.
Autobiographies & hero journeys –
We can offset feelings of dread by focusing on stories of resilience.
Take more breaks –?
Recognize that your feelings of dread & hopeless are telling you that your body wants your help. It’s struggling to regulate the overall system on its own.
Foster some predictability –
When things are distressing, predictability feels soothing. When you're facing unknowns, try to give yourself more knowns.
4 - Focusing on relationships (large doll)
We are social beings, so one of our basic human needs is connection to others.
Manage your relationship to news -
When you can’t control external factors creating hopelessness, you do have control over how you protect your psyche.
Monitor your relationship with social media -
Like with the news, your brain will do something with whatever you expose it to, so take control of that and choose wisely.
5 - Engaging in community (jumbo doll)
When we feel distraught, it helps to connect with other humans. We see communities come together after tragedies all the time.
This happens because as humans and pack animals, we feel safer and stronger together. You can harness this innate aspect inside you.
Build new connections -
Work towards change -
We can also feel less discouraged and feel more encouraged when we devote our time in ways that might create change.
Summing it all up:
We can focus on shifting away from dread by taking action for ourselves in 5 areas:
You've read through a a lot of ideas here! Which strategies resonate for you? Where do you want to implement some small shifts?
Did you find at least one thing to try?
If you experience intense emotions and want to better understand yourself and learn new ways to manage anxiety & other emotions, check out my 8-week online course?to see if it's a fit for your needs.
Cover image photo credit: Constance Kowalik from Pixabay