Your Customer is going Digital. Why your Marketing Tactics are Not?

Your Customer is going Digital. Why your Marketing Tactics are Not?

In one line, India is taking a big digital leap with it breaking all records- be it the maximum internet penetration, the maximum number of Facebook users or something else. For brands, to tap the benefits of this enormously growing digital population, it is must that they come in the courts of the growing non-tech-savvy population and play there.

It is must that they come in the courts of the growing  non-tech-savvy population and play there.

A few months back, I saw my mother taking great interest in playing Candy Crush Saga(until this time she had no knowledge of Facebook or any other social media website). A few days back, I saw her friend request. Upon asking, she told me that she came to know that “Lives” in Candy Crush can be replenished if you invite a couple of friends on Facebook to play Candy Crush. Now, I proudly say that my mother is an active Facebook user.

Your customer is going Digital, why your Tactics are Not?

Just a day before writing this article, my maid asked me to check her phone as the internet in it was not working. She is a Jio user and is amongst those who are driving today’s digital wave, the protagonist of this story. I was shocked to see her on Facebook with her entire clan in it. By no means, I want to say that she should not have been there. In fact, I am happy that she moved to digital, but she joining Facebook motivated me to write this article, which wants to say to brands that, your customer is going digital, why your tactics are not?

Definitely, This time the wave is much bigger than all those that came earlier.

Last year, I was looking for more business and came across one brand that makes Detergent. I met the CEO and showed them that how we can help them get an edge through digital marketing, but they were adamant about one thing- Our main business relies on those who don’t even know how to operate basic mobile phone (he was not talking on the basis of their household income), so imagining them seeing my ad over Facebook is next to a miracle which is not going to happen soon. But it has happened. Earlier waves that garnered digital base in India was of tech-savvy people going digital. But the upcoming wave is of those who were earlier considered too old, too young, too poor, too busy, and much more… Definitely, it is much bigger than all those that came earlier. In fact, it is going to be the start of a complete digital revolution in India.

Facts supporting my words will come in front of you even if you don’t look for them and I’m not here to show thou those. I am here to say that there are big opportunities that are coming up and like others, they are also not going to last forever. The opportunities are equal and highly cost-effective for all businesses- be small or big. Tap them until it is too late.

“You never know when another revolution would come which has the potential to drive you again.”

and yes, a week before writing this article, I got a call from the owner of that detergent brand. The deal is finalized, and we are going to start serving them and their clients soon… 


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