Is your current role or circumstance causing you to lose sight of who you are?...

Is your current role or circumstance causing you to lose sight of who you are?...

Is your current role or circumstance causing you to lose sight of who you are?...

Very easily done right?..

Let me explain.

I speak to so many professionals that have unconsciously placed all of there identity and worth in there current title, role, career or business...

This is a simple way for the system to keep our true genius suppressed and hidden away,

ensuring we all stay in line and continue to do as we’re told whilst following the perceived leader.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But what I do invite you to understand,

is that your own identity will have huge impact on the long term results of your life.

Imagine if you were able to deep dive and explore your own potential?...

To actually get a clearer idea of who you are, away from the suit you wear or the salary you are paid?..

Or even sometimes the salary you aren’t?....

It seems to be such a common issue these days which is causing so many to feel there is something missing.

Well there is.

I remember spending so much time

allowing my worth to be held in the label I carried around.

I was just a simple ‘tutor/assessor’ for way to long. Always feeling like there was something more to give but never really understanding what that was.

I was always feeling there was so much inside of me,

and the truth is, there definitely was.

I decided to explore who I truly was and what I can actually bring to the world.

I decided to work with a range of coaches and mentors in the mission to define and share who I truly am.

I decided to drop all the labels,

and You can do the same.

Don’t let your current role take you away from being You.

You are worth more than that.


