Your current diagnosis: TIME TYRANNY
Inflation didn’t start yesterday. This "tyranny of time" began long ago in 1971.
This Transitory Inflation? started a few months after the financial markets began their recovery from the COVID crash. That was in March 2020… soon we’ll be in 2022.
Not only are prices unlikely to ever come down but it is clear that we need to be prepared to live in a high inflation environment potentially for the years to come. I've told my tribe I believe it will be 25 years of steady decay of the value of money due to the debt levels and money printing. This is why a steady diet of building your "sats" is critical good solid advice.
So how do you preserve the purchasing power of your cash when inflation is so high?
The textbook answer to that is simply: play it safe, park your cash in some safe government bonds and wait for things to settle down. That was what conventional wisdom was most of my life. No longer. That is how you become a financial slave today. The destruction of the economy is what the state is aiming for. They want you to rely on them, instead of them working for you. That is tyranny.
But how is that working out in practice? If we judge that by the real bond yields around the world it doesn’t work at all. For example, how much interest does your bank now pay on deposits?
See for yourself below from my friends at Ecoinmetrics.
Countries with the “safest” debt do not offer yields attractive enough to compensate for inflation. And most countries with a positive real yield have other kinds of monetary issues. Right now any money put in a bank has a negative yield. That means you are paying the bank to hold your money!
So you can’t really expect to survive an inflationary period unscathed if you only rely on the fixed income market. If you think equities & real estate are the answer wrong again. Their prices are rising with money that is worth less every minute because of money printing. The USD has lost over 40% of its value in 2 years. This is why homes that used to cost 250,000 now sell for 500K. The money is being devalued. The same thing is true with your stock prices. This fools people because most people suck at math and have low financial IQs.
If you think you’ll be fine doing nothing then think again. Compounding is a strong force and under some not-so-crazy scenarios you can see the loss in purchasing power can be material.
Inflation is the theft of your power to buy things over time.
In an emergency, governments can freeze all of your bank accounts and financial investments, declare all of your physical cash to be illegal, and seize all of your real estate. They’ll fake an emergency to make it happen if they want to. FDR did it in the last debt cycle in 1933 by executive order. Biden is quite fond of decrees and mandates that steal your time.
Inflation is time theft and when you view it this way you should be angrier because time is the most valuable asset in the cosmos.
Time obliterates the fiction of opinion and confirms the decisions of Mother Nature. This is why governments & Central bankers try to steal time using inflation and debasement.
AI and robots will be the next wave of thievery for banks and corporations. You'd be wise to cut the cord to most institutions soon. Why?
Data Science is now used to cheat people of their money using code. This is how time is being stolen in centralized medicine. Few physicians, nurses, or healthcare professionals realize it. It is the focus of my monthly Bitcoin lessons for physicians at my Center. The goal of a few is to exploit the majority using data. Defenders of human individuality stand guard against the tyranny of the collective. Blue light is another form of time tyranny that steal time from our colony of mitochondria. This was also given to us by our government. How ironic, or was it by design?
Robots and Artificial intelligence cannot take your job if you are already retired because you understood how to use Bitcoin in the recent past to shrink time while expanding your accounts so that retirement began early. This is how decentralized people fight tyranny. We are wiser than the tyrants who aim to control us. We own our time and our value and we will not surrender it to any corrupt politician or bureaucrat. We insulate ourselves with an asset growing annually at 230% a year for 13 years. That means one hour plugged into the Bitcoin monetary network equals 7 years in the equity markets. You can make up a lot of time when you understand the value of your time.
The dreadful virus of totalitarianism. The only antidotes are courage and truth
I lost two good medical friends last year when I told them this very thing was going on in the hospital they were at in the Gulf South. None of them believed me and they tried to vilify me on Facebook. Who is laughing now? They have had their time stolen and one was forced to retire. It wasn't my conspiracy theory, it was the truth. HYPERLINK
Respect yourself, by managing whom you give your time to. If you are not good enough for yourself who in the hell are you good to? Stop worrying about people who don’t even care about you. The basis of tyranny is found in who owns your time.
Time tyranny has many forms. Your job is to recognize all of them. If you do not you'll be helping your captures put your own handcuffs on as Australians have done.
How are governments and corporations doing this to us? They are using the digital world to craft reality for people. This is the danger of a technocracy. They act by policy, decree, or mandate to limit the public's ability to perceive. They shrink their worldview to only what Big Brother deems critical. When you do this you limit the range of discussion and you control the narrative. Limit the words, pictures, videos in the discourse. As soon as my buddy Jack left Twitter, they changed the terms of service that very day. He left Twitter to build a life around Bitcoin. He has removed the handcuffs of tyranny that his board gave him. He made his choice. He is fully decentralized now with Square. That is a sign for you to assimilate. If you do not challenge the narrative, you have chosen it. That is called acquiescence in Black Swan parlance, and it sits on the road to compliance and time loss. Do Not Comply with any tyranny you find. If you do acquiesce it gives people the sense that there’s "free-thinking" going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.
Whoever owns your time creates your tyranny. Medical tyranny is an obscenity for this Black Swan mitochondriac. Obscenity is not synonymous with pornography, as most pornography is not legally obscene based on the SCOTUS reviews of First Amendment precedence. Medical obscenity is always legally obscene and this is why you mustn't comply with it. It is never legal or constitutional as the fifth circuit just ruled recently. Mandates are becoming illegal every day now. Becoming unmanageable for government and corporations is not an act of civil disobedience, it becomes a patriotic thing all should do. Not complying means you reserve your time.
We should remain curious and seek the right answers and reject narrative that enslave us. We have been warned about this by many a wise man.
Not complying with Eat Lancet is exactly how a Black Swan mitochondriac reserves time biologically. By reserving your time for yourself, you extinguish the forces of tyranny in your life.
Cash isn't a safe investment today. It will be taxed by inflation. Inflation is also a clock. It is a clock that measures the flow of time the government steals from taxpayers using monetary policy. Bitcoin is an "all-weather portfolio" because it reserves your time for you.
The new Bitcoin “volcano” bond in El Salvador is going to be an interesting new way for institutions to gain BTC exposure. Inflation fighting for the next two DECADES will make these El Salvador BTC bonds Uber irresistible to institutions and to Black Swans worldwide.
Last week El Salvador unveiled its plan to create a "Bitcoin City". The city will be constructed near the Conchagua volcano, and use the geothermal energy from the volcano to mine Bitcoin. They are plugging their Treasury into Nature. Nature is also a decentralized network. The archetype of decentralized networks is that they are the most energy-efficient networks in the cosmos.
The city will have residential and commercial areas, services, entertainment, restaurants, and an airport. El Salvador also announced its plan to raise $1 billion via a "Bitcoin Bond". Half of the funds will be used to buy Bitcoin, while the other half will be used to fund energy and Bitcoin mining infrastructure. El Salvador also announced they "bought the dip" last week and purchased an additional 100 Bitcoin during the selloff. They are closing in on 1000 coins on their Treasury. The volcano keeps adding money to the National Treasury daily. This is their president's plan to avoid inflation for their country. His people regain time by doing this. Soon these people will have more time and money than you because of these actions.
Other countries are paying attention.
Bitcoin fintech companies continue to see large influxes of capital. Binance is currently in talks with sovereign wealth funds about taking a stake in the company. This is an indirect way to hedge inflation for a nation-state. CZ, their CEO, believes an investment from a sovereign wealth fund would help improve his "perception and relationships" with various governments. I call this the nation-state network effect. The Bitcoin mining company Bitdeer announced it will be going public via a SPAC. The company will be valued at around $4 billion, and it will list on the Nasdaq. I expect everyone to be drawn to BTC because of inflation.
Bitcoin adoption continued overseas even in countries stealing rights from their taxpayer. An Australian retirement fund, Rest Super, which has $46.8 billion in assets and 1.8 million members, announced it will be investing in Bitcoin. Their CIO told its members that the company views digital assets as an "important part" of its portfolio moving forward. Additionally, Japan is taking a significant step towards developing its own digital currency, as a consortium made up of 70 Japanese firms just announced they plan to launch a yen-based cryptocurrency in 2022.
A life lived under the spell of monetary inflation is a life consumed by slow decay. A synonym of this concept is called slavery. Slavery is a form of time tyranny. Many professions like MINE have become prisons. This is why physicians are burning out. Remove your handcuffs and become fully decentralized. Become unmanageable for time tyrants!
Are you off zero yet?
If not why not?
Do you like wasting your most valuable asset?
Author, Quantum Geobiologist at the Geovital Academy for Radiation Protection at Radiation Prevention Solutions
3 年Nobody wants to answer my question. What if the elec grid and the internet disappears. Anyone?
Registered Professional Engineer
3 年