Are your current business relationships holding you back?

Are your current business relationships holding you back?

In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn:

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But the actual truth is you are not the average of the FIVE individuals you spend your time with.

It's much larger than that. You are the average of the people around you.

When it comes to relationships, we are strongly impacted, whether we like it or not, by people closest to us.

It influences our way of thinking, our self-esteem, and our decisions. Of course, everyone is unique, but studies have shown that we are more influenced by our surroundings and those around us than we realise.

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While it's nice to be surrounded by positive, supporting individuals who want you to succeed, you also need your detractors.

According to a research published in the Journal of Consumer Research titled "Tell Me What I Did Wrong: Professionals Seek and Respond To Negative Input," novices prefer positive feedback, but experts desire negative feedback so that they can grow.

If you are still surrounding yourself with the same people and friends you did a few years ago, then the odds are you haven't changed very much.

Your life must change for it to be different. It doesn't come from reciting a few affirmations or reading a few quotations; it comes from constantly changing your circumstances and forcing yourself to adapt to them.

That includes being brave enough to walk away from some relationships and seek out and build new ones.

Of course, this does not imply that you should break ties with everyone who does not contribute to your aims. It simply implies that you should limit your interaction with people who do not help you grow as a person. Only if a person is genuinely weighing you down should you cut him/her loose.

Remember, if you stay in relationships that don't raise or propel you ahead, you're not helping yourself, and you're not helping the other person either. That's because you're not being the greatest version of yourself and, as a result, you're not being the best version of yourself to them.

So if you're looking for evidence that you're developing as a person and in your business, look to the people that currently surround you. If they've changed over the past year, then you've probably changed too.

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If you're currently surrounded by the same people that were there a year ago, then consider who, amongst them, would support and challenge you to grow. And if those are not the people that are already in your life, then maybe it's time to make some new relationships.

Those around you play a huge role in dictating how you live your life. If you don't like the way things are going in your life and business, then it's up to you to change who they are.

But, as we all know, that's not always easy to do. It takes courage and willpower to face our fears and to trust new people in our lives.

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If you keep working on purposefully creating the right connections with the ultimate aim of helping you (and them) become whom you want to be and achieve the success you desire, before you know it, you'll have become the person you want to be and have the business you desire.

So how do you go about transforming your peer group?

Define What Matters to you and what type of person you want to be.

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"Know Thyself" - Delphic Maxim

The first step is to identify what's important to you.

What are your values and what do you want your life to look like?

Once you know this, it'll be easier to seek and connect with those that can help you.

Identify who are you currently spending the most time with.

  • What are their personalities and cognitive style like?
  • What are the top three attributes and values that each of them represents?
  • What world views and beliefs do they hold?
  • Do they support you, challenge you, and do they have your best interests at heart?
  • Are they representative of whom you aspire to be in the future?
  • Do they support you or distract from your personal vision?
  • Do they lift you up or bring you down?

Set Relationship Building Goals

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Once you know what's important to you and whom you want to become, it's time to set some goals.

What do you want to achieve in the next year, five years, or ten years?

Look for the right people who can help you make these goals a reality.

Take Positive Relationship Building Action

This is where the rubber meets the road. You need to take action and put in the work if you want to build those all-important relationships.

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Without action, things will not will not change!

Embrace the Change

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Talking of change, change is a part of life. You can embrace it or you can fight against it.

What will you do?

Embracing change means that you are willing to face challenges and take risks.

You know that nothing in life is guaranteed, but you also know that the potential rewards are great.

Relationships change naturally, people come and go in our lives. Change is an unchanging constant and will happen anyway, so embrace it whilst taking steps to influence it in your favour.

Be Patient

Building relationships takes time. It's not something that happens overnight. Don't expect miracles; just be consistent in your efforts. Enjoy the process and the changes that will inevitably happen in your life.

Building business relationships "on purpose and with a purpose" can be daunting at first.

You may feel you are taking a risk by openly sharing who you are, your vision and your mission with others.

But, if you're authentic, clear and consistent in your communications, people will be drawn to you and your business.

You will create relationships that are based on trust and mutual respect. And, over time, these relationships will blossom into powerful partnerships.

If you don't have the right relationships for your success and are not sure how to build them, then it's time to reach out to me.

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I have helped many entrepreneurs and business owners transform their lives and business through the power of the right relationships, giving them;

less stress,

less drama,

more money, more time, and more choice.

Let's connect and start building our life transformation business relationship for our mutual success.?

Charlie Cooper

Coming Soon: Contextual Individual and Team Development in High Stakes Environments

2 年

This insight is a key component of managing a team - of managing oneself. I think it may have been Peter Rolland who taught me that top teams can flounder when they only use their current skill-set/experience to managage a changing environment. We all need to learn new stuff. On the topic of using ‘challenge’ in coaching to explore new super-powers, again, this is cutting edge stuff; something I first heard about from Jaap Hollander, one of whose super-powers is being a ‘provocative trainer’.

Peter Rolland

Strategic Lead for Programmes

2 年

A thought provoking article; I do like coaches that challenge you to go somewhere uncomfortable - so many collude with client stagnosis offering comforting platitudes. I particularly liked ‘You are the average of the people around you’

Helen Dos Santos NLPMP MPSA

Wellbeing & Resilience Life Coach|DiSC Trainer | Internationally accredited NLP Master Coach specialising in mental and emotional health. Want your staff's mental health to flourish and have a resilient workforce?

2 年

I can highly recommend having a conversation with Peter Gregory -iamPeterg.

Peter Gregory

Embrace the Difference, Unlock the Potential | Enjoy life ?? | NeuroWeird ILM 7 Coach & Trainer | MindSonar Professional | Speaker about identity and inclusion

2 年

Vaibhav Vadera The Courage Coach

Peter Gregory

Embrace the Difference, Unlock the Potential | Enjoy life ?? | NeuroWeird ILM 7 Coach & Trainer | MindSonar Professional | Speaker about identity and inclusion

2 年

Suki Collins MBA, MCIPD (Chartered) and ILM Level 7 - This was my distraction yesterday ??. Looking forward to catching up in the New Year to complete our joint article on unlocking the power of Cognitive Diversity in the workplace.


