?? Is Your Crew Resume Costing You Jobs?
LASSO Crew Marketplace
Dedicated to the AV talent that fuels the live events industry.
This week's sneak peek???
???4 benefits of being a W-2 employee
? Make yourself stand out with these resume tips
? Learn how the professionals manage chaos on site
? Save big on movie theater tickets this weekend?
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4 Benefits of Being a W-2 Employee??
?In recent years, several branches of the US government have cracked down on companies that are improperly classifying their workforce as 1099 contractors instead of part-time W-2 employees.
?Event businesses are now highly focused on figuring out what?proper employee classification?means to them and what is most beneficial to both the organization and their crew members.
?LASSO believes that properly classifying our crew is imperative to everyone’s success. For this reason, we are committed to having a compliant workforce. This doesn’t take away your ability to have a flexible schedule and work for multiple companies.
As a W-2 employee, crew members will:
Resume Tips to Make You Stand Out?
?Our amazing group of LASSO marketplace specialists review a lot of resumes on a daily basis. So, we asked them to share their insight on what makes a resume stand out to them!
?Here are a few tips and minor edits that can greatly impact your resume.?
Make sure your resume is easy to read and consistent font size.
?Should you have more than one page? If you have a longer career track, you can do two pages. One is probably plenty. Anything more than two is?too?much.?
Company info:
It's not as important to see the big companies' names. We are looking to see what position you held and what gear you used.?
?When listing past jobs, stick with 3 concise bullet points of what you did. This leaves room for the employer to ask questions and you have left yourself more room for conversation.
?Email address:
Have a professional email address (avoid nicknames, hobbies, pet names or other personal info).
Check out these?examples?for how to get started.?
Best Practice???
Don't go quiet if you're not going to take a job. It's important to communicate if you're going to?accept?or?decline?a gig.
How to Manage the Chaos on the Event Site??
?There is never a dull moment on a job site. Often times it can feel hectic and someone might have questions and not know who to ask.
?What can both crew and event companies do to help establish a less chaotic event?
?On this week's podcast episode?of?Corralling the Chaos, Crew Chief George Flores and Mike Aubry, Director of Field Operations share their experiences on-site and best practices to promote a better working environment.?