If your CRE Broker doesn't ask questions?
Jay Verro, CCIM
Medical Office Specialist Landlord / Tenant Rep. Experienced Investment Property Broker
If your Commercial Real Estate Broker doesn't ask questions of you, that might be clue #1 that "it's not all about you / your company" as it should be! An experienced broker will discuss both your immediate and long term goals, whether you have a succession plan for your business, etc. in order to provide you with options that you may not have even considered. It may more sense for you to own vs. lease OR if you already own and are looking at winding down in say 5 or 10 years, perhaps it makes sense to consider a Sale / Leaseback. The ability to blend the real world market conditions and the tax world can make a significant difference for YOU / YOUR Company!
Don't be afraid to ask questions about your broker's experience with your property type as well as if their sole focus is on commercial real estate. Look for brokers who put forth the effort to earn their CCIM or SIOR designations as that sets them apart from others in terms of specialied education and experience.