Is your controller a gardening, two-time hula hooping champion who also happens to do finance? Ours is.
Solid Blend ??
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Accounts receivable. Accounts payable. Diversification. Fixed and variable expenses. Asset classes. Balance sheets. Capital. Cash flow. Our eyes are starting to cross. Are yours?
Meet Lindsay – our resident organizer-of-all-things and numbers'-number-one-fan. We can promise you: none of those eye-crossing things phase her. Aside from serving both our team and our customers with essential duties (think: paying and getting paid), Lindsay is an asset to our team and an invaluable, involved contributor to our culture.?
P.S. Also meet our cutest tiny employee, baby Cooper. Just look at that face!
Lindsay is “team tea” (we may be more “team coffee”, but hey, more for her). She prefers guacamole over queso (a debate we could well, debate for a long time – over some chips and guacamole and queso, too!), and she opts for resorts over camping.?
When asked to describe Solid Blend’s culture in one word, Lindsay said, “Supportive.” Well, shucks. That’s what we think of you too, Lindsay! The role of Controller supports everyone in the business – from every single team member to every single client and organization Solid Blend works with. For someone who dedicates her time to supporting everyone else to also feel so supported feels like a big deal to us. Big.
Lindsay is part of our Guardians team. Their members not only safeguard our Solid Blend Culture but work to continuously improve and bolster it. Lindsay is also a big part of our year-end giving initiatives. She helps choose the organizations we donate to, and of course writes the check – hey, that’s a big part of it!
What is it about your job that gets you up in the morning?
“I enjoy having a deep understanding of our financial systems and reporting and being able to share that with my coworkers to help us make better decisions for the company as we grow.
Whomever is working with Solid Blend, they're working with a company that wants to see them succeed as much as we want ourselves to succeed.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
How do you see Solid Blend’s culture come alive in your day-to-day work?
“We have open conversations with one another about situations we're facing that we feel are either aligned culturally or not aligned culturally. We are able to bounce ideas off of one another and get honest, sincere feedback on how best to deal with these situations.”
This is at the core of who we are. We spend a lot of time together, and it is an essential part of our mission to ensure that time is spent creating an environment where our team thrives. Because when our team is thriving, so do our clients and our community.??
If you were an office supply at the Solid Blend office, what would you be?
“A pen.”
At first glance, you’re like, “A pen. Really?”
Lindsay goes on to say, “Everyone always has a pen on them, so if I were a pen, I’d get to go on different adventures to all kinds of locations that our staff get to visit! Some days, it might be the office or a job site or to an important meeting. Plus, a good pen can make taking notes enjoyable!”
See? See? Now you want to be a pen too.
What’s a special skill you have that people may not know about?
“I'm a two-time hula hooping contest champion. These championships were about 20 years apart! My first hula hooping contest was when I was 8 at a radio station event. Everyone was very impressed, and I won a t-shirt for that radio station. The next was at a charity event when I was 28 and I won a trophy and a bottle of vodka! Two very different events where hula hooping won me a prize!”
Wait. One. Minute! We thought our team was cool before. This is another level. Plus, a solid reminder that it’s never too late to try again. Don’t mind us, we’re just thinking back to all our eight-year-old hobbies we could pick back up now.
What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
“My favorite way to spend a day off work would be being outside with my 8-month-old son Cooper, my husband Kyle, and all my animals playing in the grass and tending to our garden. We have two dogs (Ellie and Shelby) and two cats (Donnie and Smokey). We also have chickens and are planning on getting goats and alpacas one day. We love to grow our own food and each year, I try to grow something new in our garden. Our typical garden staples are tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, sweet onions, corn, blackberries, pumpkins, and chives. Ellie and Shelby are known for grabbing a tomato off the vine and having a snack.”
Lindsay doesn’t know this yet, but we’re all moving in. When’s dinner?!
What’s an example of a problem you most enjoy solving?
“In accounting, everyone is your customer. I enjoy providing timely, accurate reporting to my internal customers. To our external customers, I enjoy interfacing with them and finding quick solutions to their problems.”
We enjoy that you enjoy that. Does that make sense? Seriously, though. Lindsay is part of the glue that ties our entire team together on our mission to safeguard water. ?
Are you facing a problem in your water management? Let our experts help you solve them. Lindsay is just one of many we’re so grateful to have in our crew. Stay tuned to meet the rest of our incredible team.
Chief Operating Officer - “Strategy in Motion" Author
2 年Such smiles!! Love when controllers smile ??
Administrative Assistant at Solid Blend Technologies
2 年Lindsay Rock Star????