Your contribution matters.
AJ - Alexandra Joy ??GAICD, MBA, MAHRI
Leadership & culture development for advanced, conscious businesses | Leadership coach & author | 10 Degree Shift Podcast?? Non-Executive Director?? Speaker ?? Stand out, apply leverage and step up into leadership.
It’s the day after our final shift in this round of the 10 degree shift program.
I can't tell you how much love and joy I have for this group of people.
People who step up and step into their own greatness for their own well-being and health, to overcome their stresses in life, to look after their well-being, to look at their life-work balance, to consider how they can reverse ageing.
In addition to that, our 10th shift is all around community and contribution. Your contribution to society, to the planet, to mother earth, to your community, to your family and tribe.
It was so wonderful to hear everyone's different stories about ways that they contribute, volunteer, how they support others and also good deeds and support that they're received over the years as well, and what it is that makes a great community, whether that's a regional community, a town you live in like I do, or whether that's your online communities.
Community really does count.?
All of Blue Zone research shows the people who live in strong solid communities and have a support network actually live up to four years longer than those that don't.
Specifically, they found if people had more than three close friends, their life expectancy and their mental health and wellness was far beyond people who had less than three friends. It's that knowing that you have a tribe or people who you can rely on, people you can call on when you need support that makes a difference.
In the same way, we also talked about how we can support others.?
What can we do to create community?
One small way I do that is by having Valley Chill every month, opening up my home once a month for dinner and conversation and friends to come around.
Every time we have about 20 to 30 people, so that's my small way of creating community.
I also love the community I live in here where we look out for each other. We help each other's cows get out of paddocks. We support each other if someone needs someone picked up for some supplies from the city.?
It's great and wonderful to be part of a community where you can walk down the street and where you know pretty much everyone.
What about you??
How does community count for you??
Could you say you have more than three close friends? People you can call in the middle of the night if you need help?
Are you a good friend to them too??
How do you contribute back to your community??
One of the Blue Zone videos we were watching had a woman who's 104 years old, and she still drives and volunteers for seven charities.
What we think is possible in life is far beyond what we could ever imagine. Ageing can be a wonderful thing. When you finish working and your kids start leaving home, it's time to free you up to do other things in your community.?
What do you love about your community?
How does it count for you??
Are you a member of a community online or locally or through a sport or an interest?
What do you do to contribute back to that community as well??
It really, really counts. Make sure you keep contributing in whatever way you can and also to remember to reach out and ask for help when you need it.
I love my community here and I love all of you guys who are part of my online community.
Thank you for your comments, your shares, your likes and little private messages now and then. They are so appreciated.
Listen to the 10 Degree Shift podcast for more tips and ideas to help you make a small shift at work, in your team, in your leadership, and in your life.