Your content on your platforms
As content creators, we do it all. We are the graphic designers, hosts, writers, producers, editors.? But how do we drive traffic from one platform to another?
You can see that it is not an easy feat.? People who are popular on TikTok are not necessarily popular on Twitch, but why is that?? The short and simple answer is; your community is not the same between platforms.? A person on Instagram may not be following you on Twitter because it is not their way to communicate or enjoy the content.?
How do we get our content seen by people on all platforms?? How do we get the most people to engage with us and use the content that we put out?? This is a question that so many content creators really struggle with because each platform while looking the same on the outside, reacts so differently from an algorithm perspective.?
There are a few ways to really make your content seen around different platforms while utilizing the ones that you like the most and we are going to do a quick dive on how to do this.
Most of us are video creators in one way or another.? We produce on YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, Facebook Gaming, etc.? There are so many ways to use video nowadays, but in most places, we get overlooked because we are not discoverable within those algorithms.
The biggest tip today is; always save your videos.? Whether you are doing a livestream on Twitch or YouTube, save the video on your computer.? One major reason for this is so that it does not get taken down after 30 days, which is what Twitch does to its affiliates/non-affiliates.? That video is YOUR content, you own it, you should be able to use it where you please.??
From there you can figure out the algorithm of other short-form video platforms; IE Instagram, TikTok, and even Twitter.
Take your content and break it down on a computer video editing app.? Most of these apps allow you to change your video format to fit into whatever social media platform that you want to post it on.? Figure out what audience that you want on each platform and edit based on that.
For example, if you want to show off more funny clips of your stream on TikTok, get to video format, break down your clips for your funny moments, and edit each one on your app.? Target the audience that you really want to build up.? Save the video and upload it on TikTok and add some of their filters, stickers, transcripts, music, whatever you want that would make it unique to TikTok.? Realize that by uploading onto TikTok the new video will automatically get the metadata that links it to TikTok, so it really will not show up on any other platform’s algorithm.? This is why the original video is edited on your computer and not the app.
The next equally as important tip is, always to be in on the conversation.? If your content is about Indie Games, find the other people talking about that.? Get into the conversation, even if it is with people you have no clue who they are.? This starts to expand the number of people who are going to see you for what you want them to see you as.
If you are talking about Indie Games on Twitter, search it.? Comment on games that you’ve been playing.? Have an actual conversation with people.? Learn something that you didn’t know about before.? Your content will start showing up under the topics.? People will start looking at you for starting these conversations.? People will want to see what other content that you have within this realm.? It will quickly start to connect all of your platforms just because you’re willing to start and have the conversation.?
Finally, never forget to be your authentic self.? Even if you’re exemplifying certain parts of your brand on different platforms, just be you.? In today’s age, people can tell when you aren’t being yourself.? Will it make you lose your community?? Not necessarily, but it could in the future.? If you’re looking to build something bigger than you see yourself, then be yourself.
If you know a lot about red pandas and this is who you want to be known as show it off.? Give people your knowledge.? You are not too little to be a content creator.? People want to hear what you have to say, so give it to them.? You will find your best audience this way.
Shotcall can also help you to bring your audience together in one place.? If you want to grow different platforms, bring them over as fans, show them what other content that you have to offer them, and reward them for being there for you.?
This is your content, own it, show it off, and spread it around where you want to be.