Is your content diet healthy?
Are you guzzling stories of possibility or limitation?
Are you in fear and doubt and focused on a worst case scenario outcome, or are you hopeful, optimistic and activated in the direction of fruitful action for your desired result?
Are you watching and listening to people who inspire you or people who flood you with negative emotion?
Are you receiving SOLUTIONS from the content you consume or a bunch of anxiety-inducing questions?
Purge whatever content or media does not inspire you!
Release the stories and images that fill you with contempt for the world!
Refocus on the GOOD, the UPLIFTING and the INSPIRATIONAL…. and watch how your life turns around.
I realized that following my intuition to consume content ONLY from inspirational mentors and content creators on a daily basis has been THE determining factor in my ability to create some completely life changing solutions in my life.
>>>>> Healing my body
>>>>> Healing my mind and emotional state
>>>>> Healing my finances (skyrocketing my business)
>>>>> Creating greater levels of happiness and freedom
So this message is REALLY IMPORTANT (hence the caps lol!)
Want to feel good? Stop engaging in conversations that send you into an undesirable state…. UNLESS it’s a powerful trigger that inspires you to take a different and supportive action.
But all those stories of people NOT living a life that inspires you… you get to choose to shift your focus away and seek out the people who feed your mind, heart and soul in nourishing and uplifting ways.
Because when you do that, you change your state.
And when you change your state, you change your action.
And when you change your action, you change your life.
Simple as that!
You living your dream life… one that makes you feel yummy and fulfilled and free… is a combination of millions of tiny decisions. That you make every single moment, every single day.
And when you’re living your best life, the world around you changes as a result of your impact. So stop feeding on the world’s problems and patterns of negativity.
Seek possibility. Seek solutions. Ditch the problems, the stuckness, the doubt and scarcity.
You get to tap into unlimited possibility when you remove your focus from evidence of limitation.
SO… to support you to get happier and richer I’m launching a limited time special… access to 20+ hours of money mindset trainings for you to binge on and feed your mind with a complete set of tools, reframes and resources to shift your financial reality doing work you love!
PLUS to support you further - the first few people to buy will get a BONUS 1 on 1 intuitive career strategy session with me to shift your energy and get you into clear, aligned action on building your income in fun ways.
So take action now and dive into the Money Mindset for Creatives library – content that has supported my clients to more than double their income as writers, business owners and other creatives when these ideas are put into action.
Binge on the ideas that support you. Feed your mind with nourishing thoughts of possibility and you will naturally start to take the different action that shifts the outcomes in your life.
Click here to re-inspire your financial life NOW!
Big Love,