Is Your Content Converting?
Can you imagine what your website would be like if all your content converted? How would it feel to run a thriving business? How much easier would life be if you weren’t creating content that fell apart…
You’ve created a piece of amazing content. You’ve done all the right things, in all the right places, but it’s not performing. Gah! That’s 90 minutes of your life that you’ll never get back. Don’t panic! The great thing about digital content is that it’s all editable, nothing is carved in stone when it's online.
This troubleshooting checklist will help you work out why your content isn’t converting. When you know the why, you can fix it.
Why does troubleshooting content start with a purpose?
All content serves a purpose, but not all content is in alignment with your business goals. That post you did on your dream holiday? Lots of likes? Lots of comments?
But no organic traffic and no business came from that post… It’s just not working for you. Sure it shows your human side, but doesn’t all your content contain rapport building and connection?
Have you shared in the correct location?
Where are your dream clients hanging out? That’s where you share your content. I have a client that works with high performing women; she helps them restructure their finances so they’re more profitable.
Every marketing coach ever (except me) told her she had to promote on Facebook. She did my Leads and LinkedIn training, and now she’s all over LinkedIn.
It converts far higher for her than Facebook. She spends 30 minutes a day on LinkedIn attracting clients and building connections. Compare that to 3 hours a day on Facebook and getting zero return.
How’s Your Headline?
You’ve checked your content and it’s on-purpose, and you’ve shared it in the right place. You’re still hearing the sound of crickets.
It’s time to power up your headlines. A huge chunk of content issues will stem from not using the right headline.
- Is the audience able to identify itself from the headline
- Do they have an idea what they’re clicking on?
- Do they have an idea of how long the content will take to consume? 3 tips is a faster read than 100 tips.
One of my favourite headline tools is the Headline Optimiser. I’ve got three different headlines running on this content. I’ll know in a few days which one works best.
If your headline is strong and appealing it will get clicked. If you’re not getting clicks you need to fix your headline.
Your opening paragraph
This builds on the promise of the headline. Does your opening paragraph entice people deeper into your content?
The majority of content creators waffle in their first paragraph and their second paragraph is stronger.
So type the first one, then the second, then the third paragraph and then delete the first paragraph. You’re now waffle free and have a better opening paragraph.
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Sarah Arrow has been blogging for what seems like forever, and she's organised successful business blogging challenges since 2007. You can join in if you'd like free help in getting more subscribers, increased visibility and traffic via your blogging. Got all the visibility you need? Then you'll love these Marketing Planners - subscribe now