Your Competition Love That You Don't Care And Your Audience Can't Find You - The Plight Of Most Online Businesses
Sitting on top of a mountain - image by Dan Burton - unsplash

Your Competition Love That You Don't Care And Your Audience Can't Find You - The Plight Of Most Online Businesses

What are you up to right now, well apart from reading my LinkedIn post, at work, what do you have to do today?

You might be busy carrying out some routine aspect of your job, dealing with problems perhaps firefighting or troubleshooting, all the while thinking... why me?

At the same time, in the dark recesses of your mind, you've got this nagging little voice that won't shut up, just adding to your frustration.

All they do is ask those annoying little questions that you want to avoid but know you have to confront at some point, like "how are you going get more customers ", "where are those leads going to come from", "what are you doing to sell more stuff and to grow revenue and profit"?

To top it all, at this precise moment, when you're taking time out of your busy schedule to get some light relief from reading social media, the competition is plotting your demise.

Right now, they are looking at your website, studying your Facebook page, and deciphering all the data they can find about you online, hatching plans to wipe you off the face of the earth.

They are delighted when they see you're site cannot be found on Google and that it's poorly optimised with very little content on it and a blog that was abandoned years ago.?

When they see this, they dismiss you as someone not to worry about, they toss you aside?as someone of little significance and go off in search of the real competition, those who are winning the internet in your industry.

The thing is, if the competition is doing that, If they have to work so hard to find you online, what are your customers doing, chances are they won't try as hard and opt instead for the top results given to them by Google?

The question is, are you content with that?

Are you happy your customers can't find you and that the competition doesn't really care about you as you pose no threat?

Are you happy to live in "hopium"... that customers will miraculously search through to page 5 of Google to find you and still get in touch, even though your last blog post was two years ago and offers little value to them?

Are you just going to sit back and settle for the status quo and let the competition dismiss you like that?

The fact is, they are relying on it.

They rely on people being lazy and thinking it's too hard to compete, they rely on you reading more "how-to posts" procrastinating, believing that by reading you are doing something meaningful to correct the issue, they rely on the fact that most won't do any thing to change the status quo. They love that the real competition is the small group companies that appear in the top 3 spaces of Google?and the elites are kept to a small tight group who know exactly what they are doing to get the results and the rest are just also-rans they don't have to worry about because they don't have the knowledge.

But is it possible to change that, is it possible for you to be part of that elite club of top-ranking websites in your industry, the ones who get the lion share of the online business?

The answer is an emphatic YES!

So the question is, How can you climb that mountain and get to the peak where glory and success await??

you have to tackle it as a Mountaineer would and plan your assent

  • Start with the end in mind and identify what you want to achieve
  • Make a plan of how to do it
  • Look at how others before you have done it
  • Invest in the right equipment
  • Appoint the right team, those that have done it multiple times before.
  • Consistently train and apply your knowledge each and every day
  • Build-up strength over time
  • Be realistic and take on smaller peaks and build your expertise
  • Make regular assessments of your progress?
  • Be consistent
  • Don't stop until you reach your goal
  • Once you're there, plan your next, more ambitious adventure.

It looks hard doesn't it, and it is but is achievable.

If you're NOT satisfied with the status quo but not sure where to start, take our FREE 2 min scorecard and get a personalised report on your current digital presence, and what you should do to improve it.?

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