Your Compass
Andrew Pepar
The impacts of COVID, AI, climate change, and polarisation shape our world. In this complexity, human trust and connection is paramount. We need leaders with empathy, who work in partnership, to create shared value.
Life and work can often feel like a combination of surrendering to fate while simultaneously following a broad vision or direction.
When we are out at sea, just like life, we have periods of challenge, when the waters are choppy and turbulent, and periods of ease, when the waters are still and calm.
What is your work and life like right now?
Can you accept the season of life you are in?
There is a tendency for our minds to project to the future or the past and undermine the learning and growth from the present season.
The best way to use your compass is not to point you to the future but turn it inwards and point it to the moment you are in, your team is in, or the organisation is in.
What growth opportunity are the waters of your life and work asking you to meet?
Accepting your current circumstances and working through them is the way to free yourself to consider the next lesson and experiences you want to have.
Many people believe they don't have time for this because they are too busy surviving. Or that reflection and acceptance will mean they can't compete as effectively. Is that really true?
The inner decision maker (our will) always has a choice. It has choice about where to invest our energy, and how to balance our lives.
If we seek to escape choppy waters and only sail in the calm, often we can miss the greatest growth opportunities of our lifetime.