If Your Company Lacks a Remote Work Policy, Blame the Millennials!

If Your Company Lacks a Remote Work Policy, Blame the Millennials!

We are busy people. It doesn’t matter what your role is in life or business, we are busy people. There is so much to take in, so much to do, so much to see and so much to accomplish that remote work just makes sense, right? 

The answer is yes. 

It’s as simple as it is logical. That is until a monster variable is added to the equation…


It’s people that will stunt the growth of the remote workforce, but not the people you may be thinking of. It’s not the Millennials that hurt the cause, that prevent the wide adoption of remote work within an organization. 

It’s the seasoned business leader that will be the problem and it’s not their fault. In fact, when a business leader refuses to adopt or, even worse, halfheartedly accepts remote work, the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of Millennials.

Can someone who is not a stakeholder or C-level executive be blamed for a business decision and cultural shift of that senior population? Absolutely!

Millennials, listen up…if remote work fails at your organization you are not doing your job.

Beyond the day to day tasks and actions that a role requires, a Millennial’s biggest value is their perspective. 

Let’s start at the beginning. Just like every other newborn, the first possession a Millennial baby valued was a pacifier. However, unlike every other newborn in history, the second was an iPhone. This is what separates the Millennial generation from everyone else. Simply put, their access to technology was and is unprecedented.

The Millennial’s access to technology has obviously shaped their perspective and we need to hear them out.

Millennials have a different acceptance of technology than the rest of us. If you have been wired to use technology as an “always on” toy and tool, you have also been wired to accept things that are new and different.  However, they are not wired to embrace change – to me there’s fear in this phrase. When I think about the word “embrace” in this context it implies that change is happening to them. It’s not. Change happens because of them; they are wired to seek it out.

Why? Because “New” is interesting and the journey is enjoyable.

“We should allow people to work remote…”

A company does not jump from point A to point Z. Change is a gradual process; it’s an evolution that happens over time. If it happened any other way – too fast - it just wouldn’t make sense, it wouldn’t work. The Millennial perspective is the spark that has ignited the evolution within the workplace. Although it may not feel like it, it has been a slow climb.  

Millennials have naturally raised our collective awareness when it comes to new technologies. Some may view it as forced accommodation but it’s not, it’s evolution, survival of the fittest. What they want is all very logical. In general terms, Millennials want:

  • Access when they want
  • Access how they want
  • Access must look & feel the same regardless of ones preference to points 1 & 2.

When they see something that checks the above boxes, it’s go time.  Where do they get all of their information on the latest and greatest? Social Media of course.

Social Media is the vehicle used to reach new markets and showcase product value. Product managers and marketers know their target demographic and they know that their product must quickly convey…

Anywhere | Anytime | Your Way | Same Experience

The products that hit the mark get more than noticed by Millennials, they engage them. There isn’t a free trial a Millennial will not sign up for and that is a good thing.

Calculated Curiosity is a great thing! 

They are open to new ideas, that skeptical gene present in generations before them, has passed them by. This is a huge advantage Millennials!

It starts with a new perspective.

Change is good, but not for the sake of change. It must be for the sake of…”ME.” It sounds selfish but when you consider the qualifying factors - see above 'What Millennials Want' - you will realize it’s not. It’s just a new approach to life, a new perspective on how things should work.

“My World should be Accessible.” 

Let’s talk about how a business modernizes. The evolution begins with business leader buy-in on the idea of access. It moves to the adoption of new efficiency tools and technologies – Zoom, Drift and Slack to name a few – awesome companies and products by the way. Slowly but surely, a transformation begins….

1.      The adoption of new products.

2.      The infusion of new ideas and ideals. 

3.      Results follow some are (not all great but working toward something better). 

4.      Then, it happens…the modern workplace officially takes over your company.

This evolution from cold office to modern workplace doesn’t start with a demand for change or an ultimatum, it starts with a change in perspective that spreads throughout an organization. The Remote Work movement is a direct result of this, the fast spreading Millennial perspective.

The Lesson:


if your company is slow to adopt new tech, falling behind competitors, not forward thinking and generally too skeptical to look to the future…

It’s your fault! You are not doing your job!   



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