Your college degree is useless
That’s a pretty strong statement to make and perhaps it is not surprising that the man making it is the CEO of a west coast computer software company. When you read the article below heretical as is it seems to be it make perfect sense. But what is the alternative and how we going to integrate it into the education system which is inherent in every country required by law, religion and for practical and social purposes?
The testing in formal education is ridiculous as it also does not test understanding or skills, most of the time. So, all the informal learning which we do is not recorded which is what is most valuable!
Society requires education to try to pass on our moral mores, give children an understanding of the world and most importantly keep them off the streets whilst their mothers and fathers work to pay the taxes that keep society in business. It is not surprising that there are more and more parents opting for so-called home education or that well-respected research states that more than 70% of us are engaged in informal learning to meet the needs of meeting the gaps in skills in our professional lives.
We all know people that have ‘ failed’ at school and have become very successful and influential people after leaving formal education.
If the education system is so valuable and working so well as it would have us believe, how can this happen?
It simply should not be possible for somebody to leave with a basic education standard and achieve more than somebody’s achieved with high education standards, or should it?
Perhaps that very fact is an indication that some of the things that are happening in education are wrong? Many of the skills whic are required by employers are not taught in the formal education system yet those that most valued by employers. How can the system continue? The outcome of this failure is a skills gap problem which is estimated to be in excess of $19 trillion by OECD.
More worryingly, how can higher education continue to charge such ludicrously high figures for something which is more of a social experience and which no longer qualifies you for the upper echelons of work?
In any case, is this concept of a hierarchy of work and careers still valid anyway?
The highly experienced and skilled motor engineer who repairs my car so that it can speed along the motorway is no less valuable than the doctor who diagnosis and illness for me? Both can make decisions which will save my life!
There is a wider societal change required values people for the way they behave and what they contribute to society in general and in a holistic sense. What is important is not what job you have and which university you’ve graduated from. You are not necessarily a better person having an expensive education. In fact, in many cases the opposite is true because it promotes a biased and unrealistic view of life and society, narrow experiences and inflated value of one’s own worth.
Your College Degree is Worthless
This is not a judgement, it’s just a fact.
A degree is information. Information is an incredibly valuable resource in the market. But in the case of the college degree, far better information is available for far less time and money.
The information contained in a degree is flabby and ridiculous.
Let’s get concrete: Two candidates apply.
- Candidate one sends a resume that says, “Marketing Major at Least Common Denominator University”.
- Candidate two sends examples of copy from three email drip campaigns they created, results of their Shopify store, and the CPC they got on a Facebook ad set.
Which one provided better information about the value they can create for HR?
Better yet, consider applicant three. She sent Mr. Choose Yourself an email describing how she made $100 one week in Amazon affiliate fees by doing a podcast episode about James’ book, a lengthy Amazon review also posted to her blog with an opt-in, and an email newsletter about it. She also noticed he had a 2D image of one of his books on his website, so she sent him a 3D rendering of it he could use for free. She ended by saying she hopes her book promotion and the image are useful to him, and if he wants more where this came from, let her know.
That’s some damn good information. She didn’t just tell him her status like candidate one. She didn’t even stop at demonstrating her value like candidate two. She actually created value specifically for him.
Both candidates two and three sent information ten times more valuable than a degree, without spending five years and six figures sitting in classrooms learning how not to create value. What they did is easy and accessible to all. It takes a little courage, hard work, experimentation, creativity, and persistence. It doesn’t take any kind of privilege, a trust fund, a GPA, or any other dumb external paper prestige.
But most companies list degrees as requirements!
Information is costly and imperfect. Companies are imperfect too.
Employers use degrees because they’ve seen a correlation (not causation) between degree holders and minimum threshold of employability over non-degree holders, on average. Not because college does something to make people better at their work. Employers know it does nothing of the sort. They have gobs of info to sort through, and they look for quick easy ways to trim down pools of applicants. It’s illegal to use IQ and other measures, so they put together a bag of info that they think is a decent approximation. A degree is one data point in that bag.
They use it in the absence of something better. But if you have something better, it trumps the degree immediately. Companies (especially HR departments) aren’t always super creative. Sometimes you have to be to open their eyes. Can you provide information that signals your value better than a degree?
I hope so. Because even if you have one, you won’t get a job because of it. You’ll get the job based on other things that are more valuable. Which leads to the question, why get the degree at all? Once you have those first few awesome jobs on your resume, no one asks about your high school GPA. Similarly, once you have those first few awesome projects or experiences, no one cares about your degree. You’re better off skipping it altogether to build the valuable stuff sooner and save some serious dough.
Companies don’t require degrees, they require information. With a little creativity and hustle, you can provide better info in better ways. And as a general rule, the more interesting the company, the less they care about degrees.
If a college degree is the most interesting thing about you, you’re boring.
Truly. Look around the average college classroom. I’ll give you a minute to wait for a few students to pull their hungover heads up from their desks…
Take it in.
Now, remember, what you’re buying is a piece of paper that says, “I’m probably no worse than these people.”
Pretty thin calling card.
A lot of students agree with this, and say stuff like, “College sucks and the degree won’t get me a job, but I’m making it valuable by working and networking on my own and doing a bunch of side projects.” That’s great, and necessary. But then why are you still paying tuition? It’s only slowing you from the valuable stuff and instilling bad habits that actually make you less valuable in the real world. (Why do you think professors are so scared of free-markets?)
Get busy building a track record of skills and experiences that make your degree status the least interesting thing about you.
College is a better value for lazy people, as civil servants is (but this is another story).
I told you already, I’m not passing judgment, I’m stating facts. This one is just economics.
Some edumacation types agree that college is over-hyped. But they say it’s got too many dumb, lazy people, and only the bright, ambitious ones should attend. From a cost-benefit standpoint, they have it precisely backwards.
Smart, hard-working people can quickly and easily create a more powerful signal than a college degree to demonstrate their value in the marketplace. Remember, the degree screams, “I’m about the same as other degree holders.” If you’re better, you need better information than a degree to show it.
But for those without a lot of gumption or sense, a degree is a less-bad investment. Sure, they too can probably find better, cheaper ways to tell the world they’re “meh”, but a degree at least upsells them. If you are below average, a piece of paper that tells the world you’re probably average is an upgrade. You’ve met people like this. HR managers realized too late that their degree was the most impressive thing about them. Oops.
Bottom line, if you’re sharp and have half an ounce of hustle, a degree is a bad investment compared to your other options. But if you’re so lazy and uncreative that you’re incapable of building a better signal, buying the “I’m average” paper actually raises your perceived value.
You’d better hope that’s not you, or you’re gonna have a bad time, degree or not.
“But I waited and worked my whole life for this!”
(Well, my parents did anyway.)
I’m sorry to be the bearer of such good news, but whether you (or your parents) like it, a college degree isn’t that impressive.
I know this is very hard to hear for parents who made every sacrifice for their kid to go to college. Maybe they couldn’t afford to, so they committed to busting hump so someday their own children could. For them, college is the apex of parenting success. I’ve heard parents praise their loser, live-in, jobless-but-degreed kid while bashing their business-owning, happy, successful dropout kid. They became so focused on college as the shorthand for happiness that they don’t even hear when you say it’s crushing your soul, or that you’d do better without it.
I admire parents’ drive for their kids well-being. I get the pressure for prestige. I’m not judging. But factually, it won’t do much for them.
I’m not talking about the future, I’m talking about right now.
This isn’t some far-flung, soon-to-be, if the AI and the internets and the drones and the 3D printers do the exponential thing prediction. This is today. It’s already here. College is old fashion.
People think the past informs us about the present, but the future is a better source. The day the automobile became commercially viable, the buggy whip industry passed away.
The underlying value of the college product (the information signaled by a degree) has been supplanted by something better, available now to any who want it. The entire business model of college is screwed. Any old non-sheepskin holder can now demonstrate their ability, prove their value, vouch for themselves, and create opportunities. Hard times for the Ivory Tower.
The coolest part is that the something better that’s supplanted the degree isn’t locked behind any door. The something better is you. You are your own credential. Your knowledge, network, skill, experience, confidence, and ability to show how they can help others are your calling card.
This is an important point. It’s not some trendy new college or online degree. It’s a new mindset, put into action by you, leaving behind a digital footprint that speaks louder than any piece of stamped paper.
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