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Larry Davis
I help Real Estate Professionals emotionally protect themselves from stress, worry, negativity thereby improving relationships, increasing happiness, performance & career satisfaction.
Which Way Do You Want It??
On happiness, a wise man once said, “find out what makes you happy and do more of it. Find out what makes you feel?bad, stressed and unhappy and do less of it”
Wise words indeed! Agree? Agreed!
So, let me ask you the questions, Do you want to feel happy or unhappy?
Calm or stressed?
Feel good or feel bad?
Feel glad or sad?
OK, now we have your choices and if you’re like most people I know, you want to feel happy, calm, good and glad.
So, all you have to do is more of the things that make you feel happy, calm, good and glad instead of the things that make you feel unhappy, stressed , bad and sad.
Simple, right??Simple, but not easy.?Here’s why.??Most people have no clue what really makes them have?bad , stressed or sad feelings!?This is where we find a lot of finger pointing and blaming other external people, things and events (P.T.E’s) taking place.
Why all the blaming??Because, what most people ?think is causing their feelings is mostly an illusion or misconception. In truth and reality, it’s not the external people, things and events at all! So, by believing this illusion, change is almost impossible.?By the way, this is one of the three Great Life Illusions holding your true happiness?and living your best life now hostage.
You can’t control or change what you don’t know and therefore spend your time and efforts trying to change the wrong things! Life is too short for that!
That’s all about to change.?Listen up, if you are familiar with my work,?there is a phrase that you might hear me say several times.?It’s about a new way for you to make a big shift in how you see the world and consequently potentially change the world you live in and actually experience.?
Buckminister Fuller said it this way, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete”
Through over 50 years of research, I have developed a new model or a new way to look at the world that will make the old way, the old model that causes stress unhappiness, irritation, and frustration obsolete!
Here’s my way of saying the same thing that Buckminister Fuller said.
“The secret to happiness is not found in changing locations or vocations, husbands or wives but in seeing your world through fresh new eyes”
That’s right…..seeing your world or your reality through a new lens or new eyes gives you a refreshing new perspective or viewpoint of the world and how it really works. With this new model and view of the world, you can experience a much happier more positive life. ?Everything just seems to get better across the board.
Why? Because, when you change how you see the world, the world you see, and more importantly, the world you live in and experience changes!
If you would like to know more about this new program, we can hop on a quick call to see if it might be a good fit for you and your life.
D.M. me or e-mail me at [email protected]
“It’s your life, take charge - be happy and do it now”