Are Your Children at Risk? Warning Signs and Risk Factors for Childhood Identity Theft.
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Are Your Children at Risk? Warning Signs and Risk Factors for Childhood Identity Theft.

Are Your Children at Risk? Warning Signs and Risk Factors for Childhood Identity Theft

?When you think about identity theft, you may think first of yourself and your bank accounts, but what about your children? Some of the most highly sought-after identity theft victims are still in elementary school, and a few are still in diapers.

?The Hospital Where They Were Born Has Suffered a Cyber Security Breach

?Medical facilities are increasingly being targeted by identity thieves. The bad guys know that hospital records are a veritable treasure trove of personal information, from embarrassing details of medical and mental health treatments to Social Security numbers, home addresses and dates of birth.

?If the hospital where your son or daughter was born has suffered a cyber security breach or been a victim of a data theft, there is a good chance that child's Social Security number is already in the wild. That means it is only a matter of time before that private information makes its way from the dark web to the hands of an identity thief.

?Your Child Starts Getting Junk Mail and Credit Card Solicitations

?Few marketers would deliberately target an audience of five-year-olds for major purchases and credit cards. If your children are suddenly on these mailing lists, it is time to check their credit profile.

?The marketers who are flooding the family mailbox may not know the ages of the people they are targeting. At the very least, a sudden influx of credit card solicitations and unwanted junk mail is an indication that someone is not taking privacy as seriously as they should.

?Your Child is Turned Down for a Bank Account

?Having their own bank account is one of the best ways for children to learn about monetary concepts and the value of a dollar. When children have their own money, they learn to be smart spenders, and learning how to use a bank account early can reduce the risk of overdrawn accounts and poor credit later in life.

?If you have attempted to open a bank account with your child and been turned down, it is time for some serious investigation. This rejection could be a sign that your child's credit profile has already been compromised and that they have become an unwitting victim in the ongoing rash of financially oriented crimes.

?Young people make tempting targets for identity theft, and a growing number of criminals and criminal organizations are deliberately seeking them out. While the typical adult may recognize the warning signs of identity theft after a few months, it could be 18 years before that bouncing baby boy or girl tries to take out a loan or apply for a credit card.

?By then the damage will have already been done, and the recovery process will likely stretch into several years. But if you can spot the warning signs and risk factors early, you may be able to spare your son or daughter from this nightmare.?

? * * * Stay Safe and Secure Online * * *





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