Your Childhood Will Destroy Your Life If You Allow It

Your Childhood Will Destroy Your Life If You Allow It

Millions of people have reported depression and anxiety in the past two years. Some believe their depression originates from the COVID-19 pandemic. Admittedly, it was tough for everyone and?answers for a lot.

However, our negative emotions are almost always a byproduct of our unhealed inner child and childhood traumas. Yes, your childhood answers almost everything; repeat that to yourself.

Our childhood—especially the first seven years—is the most significant aspect of our psychological development. It’s the period when we’re most vulnerable, and where we develop our self-esteem.

Human beings are unique. Blue whales are sexually and emotionally mature from five years old, whereas we live with our parents until 18 years old, or later.

That’s two decades of conditioning. For many individuals — including myself — that’s toxic conditioning.

We adopt the attitudes of our parents. We embrace the work ethic of our parents.?We adopt the mindset of our parents.

And most importantly — we adopt the?fears of our parents.

There isn’t a single person in the world who isn’t f***ed up — in some way — by their childhood.

Whether it’s the beating from your father, the older brothers who mocked and ridiculed you, the mother with zero self-esteem, the alcoholic parents, the parents with drug issues, the father who wouldn't give you approval, the teachers who said you’ll achieve nothing, or the abusive relationship between your parents — it’s a weight you’ll carry into adulthood.

I?had to deal with many of those issues. During my early twenties, I had to undergo deep, often painful therapy to heal an inner child who felt unsafe, insecure, and without love. I still have to comfort that inner child daily.

I’m not alone; I’m like billions of people.

I just recognized my inner child in my early twenties by reading hundreds of personal development books and listening to various self-help gurus.

Yet, it wasn’t until I found a?therapist?that I began to push forward and truly understand my anxieties. I’m now at a period of my life where I?rarely?feel depressed.

That’s a byproduct of my?self-awareness. I’ve examined myself for years. I studied my trauma, my wounds, and why I often self-sabotage.

Still, I have an Everest-sized mountain to go — but who doesn't?

Common Childhood Wounds

  • Are you a dude and craving approval from broader society? Your father didn’t give you enough approval as a little boy.
  • Are you a girl who chases weak men who mistreat you? You’re dealing with the childhood father wound.
  • Are you an adult with a deep fear of rejection? Your parents probably told you no too many times instead of valuing your input.
  • Do you struggle to love yourself? Your parents probably didn’t love themselves either, especially your mother.
  • Are you afraid of separation or love? You probably witnessed dysfunction, in some way or another, within your parent's relationship.

You can heal those wounds.

You need to acknowledge those wounds and begin the healing process.

Good luck with your journey toward inner peace.


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