Your Child Was "Gay" @ Home, on Your Watch, Ma'am...
Dr. Lulu? MD, MBA, CLC, Gender/Sexuality Educator/ Professor
Helping healthcare professionals increase their revenue by creating affirming, patient-centered practices for Black LGBTQIA patients. | Bestselling Author | TEDx Speaker | Host: Moms 4 Trans Kids Podcast | Affirming Mom
I hesitate to use the term "became" in that title this week, even though it sounded more grammatically correct. The truth is people don't "become gay", they are simply gay. It is who they are.
This week's Mindful Monday newsletter is written for those parents out there who somehow believe that their kids are gay because of some outside forces... We all know that today's anti-LGBTQ+ "rhetoricians" are trying really hard to brand us parents as groomers and demonize our kids...
Sadly, enough parents, unfortunately, believe them and some even join in looking outside the home for the reason their kids are welp, queer.
Trust me when I say "I know". As the saying goes, "It takes one to know one".
In my case, I wasn't looking outside the home per se for the cause of my child's queerness, rather, I was looking for a way out of my reality as their mother. I knew within months of my first "son's" birth that the kid was possibly gay, I just wasn't prepared for her to be trans...
This quote below is an excerpt from a 2009 publication by the Family Acceptance Project about supporting parents of queer kids:
“Shondra started to get really depressed in 5th grade. She didn’t talk much anymore, and she spent a lot of time in her room. “When she was little, she didn’t like to wear a dress, but she was sweet and would let me dress her up. But by the time she was 9, she started to hate wearing dresses.
“And now, well, my momma and I didn’t know what was wrong. I thought she was being willful and disobedient. Then the counselor at school asked us to come in and talk with her. She said that Shondra had another name at school. She asked the other students to call her Darnell and she dressed like a boy, with a boy’s name.
“The school counselor told us about transgender. We never heard of such a thing. She thought that Shondra was transgender and she gave us the name of another counselor. They told us what Shondra, I mean, Darnell was feeling depressed when we tried to dress her up and be a certain way.
They said that for our child, the way we were acting felt like we were rejecting her. They showed us that children like this get very depressed, and they are at very high risk for suicide when their family tries to make them act like a girl. “We were shocked. We had no idea. So we got our child help and he’s much happier now.”
I want us to focus on these sentences, "When she was little, she didn’t like to wear a dress, but she was sweet and would let me dress her up. But by the time she was 9, she started to hate wearing dresses." and "We were shocked. We had no idea..."
While this story is about a transgender child, the point I want to stress here is; that the child showed their parents at a very young age who they really were. Yet, we see the parents declare at one point that they were "...were shocked and had no idea..."
But, did they not, though?
This is a very common phenomenon among parents, particularly parents of color, and it is worse with Black parents. We see and hear our children telling us their truth all the time, and we often look the other way and then begin to search high and low for the reasons why our kids are gay.
According to this paper by NIH at the National Library of Medicine, sexuality actually begins much earlier than has been circulated. Sexuality apparently begins in utero! Yes, you read that right. I had no idea, did you??
And according to the Family Acceptance ProjectTM (FAP), the adolescents in their study began to show their attraction to persons of the same gender at about age 10...but that's not when they first knew.
Some knew they were gay at age 7 or 9. Overall, they identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, on average, at age 13.4. Their families learned about their LGB identity about a year later.
According to the paper, children develop gender identity—a deep sense of being male or female—at early ages. They express clear gender choices for clothes, toys, and personal items. And they begin to express gender identity at about ages 2-3."
Yup, you read that right. So, what that means is, your child was actually gay at home, under your watch :) The best part about it though, is that you didn't cause it, I didn't cause it, no one actually caused it. It just is.
So, darling parent, STOP!
Stop beating yourself up for having a gay child. Stop thinking there is something wrong with you, or your child. Stop looking for reasons in all the wrong places. If anything at all, look within, but I digress.
In fact, as much as I know you want to "fix" your child by taking them to the church for prayers (like I did), or to the therapist for treatment...I would actually venture to say, that you are the one who needs "fixing" here. OK, pardon me, your thoughts need fixing.
Your thoughts and feelings about the LGBTQ+ community need reassessment and your actions need curtailing. Too many studies have shown us that it is not your child's sexuality that is causing their mental anguish, it is the way you, I, and the rest of the world treat them that causes it.
I hate to break it to you.
So, what do you now do?
Join us next week for part 2 of this article. In it, I will discuss in full, how to approach yourself and your child when they share their reality with you!
Ciao for now!
Dr. Lulu
PS: If you or your place of work is needing help with education around queerness and supporting parents of queer kids, or if your hospital, residency training, or clinic are needing educating around gender, parenting or creating affirming spaces, please go to www.allybridgeconnection and connect with me, I'd love to chat with you!
I am an experienced Family Medicine physician with passion for educating others, preventive health, women’s health, care for LGBTQI+ patients and their families, and the prevention and early detection of cancer.
1 年Soulfully written…such truth that so many parents feel initially. Dr. Lulu, thank you!