Is Your Change Magic?
Brendon Baker
Guiding Leaders Towards What Matters | Named Top12 Emerging Thought Leader 2024 | Director at Mecro Group | Top Leadership Author | >$11B in Strategic Improvements
Why A Magical Change Leaves A Bad Taste In Your Mouth
Welcome to another Friday the 13th edition of The Change Leader Weekly.?Last time?we delved into superstition. Today, let’s take a break from the normal format and let’s look at?magic.
In particular - sleight of hand.
There’s a great little segment that Penn and Teller did almost a decade ago on the 7 principles of sleight of hand. (I’ve linked it for you below). But, before we delve into the magic, let’s add a change lens to it. As you’re reading through the list, I want you to consider where you’ve seen that principle play out in the workplace, and what the general perception of it was.
I’ve personally seen each and every one of these principles used to achieve a desired means during an organisational change, but there was almost always fallout. Or, to put it another way, magic is about lying and deceiving… and while we may not mind being deceived in the name of entertainment, it can leave a nasty taste in your mouth in a workplace.
What that means for you is that, unless you are particularly Machiavellian, the 7 principles of sleight of hand are really good ways to lose the trust of the people you work with. They are therefore useful to us as examples of what to avoid in our change efforts.
So here they are - along with an example of how’ve I’ve seen it manifest in organisational change.
The 7 principles are:
- Hold?- to hold an object in an apparently empty hand (i.e. to give the illusion that you don’t have something, but you do).
Commonly seen in changes that suggest that they don’t have a solution or candidate pre-decided, but in-fact they do - entailing much work, hope and consideration that was wholly unneeded.
- Ditch?- to secretly dispose of an unneeded object.
Commonly?seen when scope items or metrics just ‘disappear’ off reports and plans. Out of sight, out of mind.
- Steal?- to secretly obtain a needed object.
Commonly?seen when drawing huge, unreasonable chunks of time from resources that aren’t allocated to the project. Their day-job be damned.
- Load?- to secretly move a needed object to where it’s needed.
Commonly?seen through regular, destabilising leadership shuffles that are all too common in change.
- Simulation?- to give the impression that something that hasn’t happened, has.
Commonly?seen in ‘watermelon’ projects (i.e. red on the inside, green on the outside). Reporting progress that is better than reality.
- Misdirection?- to lead attention away from the secret move.
Commonly?seen in ‘town-hall’ sessions that post a rosy picture of everything related to the change. No change is every 100% rosy.
- Switch?- to secretly exchange one object for another.
Commonly?seen when a change sets out to achieve a specific WHY, but ‘goes live’ proclaiming to meet a related, but different need.
Is your change magic?
…and what effect is it having on the trust within your workplace?
PS. here’s the vid:
To Reflect:
Where do we draw the line with lying?
We accept it from both magicians and politicians. Yet we applaud it from the first, and despise it from the latter.
What standard do you hold yourself to as a change leader?
Have a missed some examples? I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories. So please do hit reply and tell me where you’ve seen any of these 7 play out.
See you next week,
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