Your Champions Brew for Friday, May 19, 2023

Your Champions Brew for Friday, May 19, 2023

Have you discovered your purpose in life??Might you be able to do that in 60 seconds?

Happy Friday, Brew Nation !


Grab your favorite coffee cup, sit back, relax, and get ready to sip on some enriching and thought-provoking content that will equip you to thrive in all areas of your life:


·??????Build Faith – This week, I had the opportunity to record a podcast with my wife, Chris.?We had a blast.?We were able to share an excerpt from Pastor Rick Warren’s new book titled, Created to Dream – The 6 Phases God Uses to Grow Your Faith and then discuss how our faith journey has gone through these phases many times.?If you haven’t had a chance to listen, you can here.?We had a great time doing it!?As I've reflected on these six phases, it occurs to me that they're not just applicable to our spiritual lives, but to life in general--our careers, finances, health, and more.?I truly believe that we all go through these phases repeatedly, as part of a greater cycle. For your reference, here are the six phases that Rick Warren identifies in his book:

1.???????Dream—Everything starts with a dream, a vision, a reason for action.?What is it that you dream about daily?

2.???????Decision--You must make the decision, or better yet, a commitment, to pursue the dream.

3.???????Delays – I wish I could say that we progress from Decision to results in one step, but it doesn’t work that way.?There are always delays.?We often overestimate what we can do in the short term and underestimate what we can do in the long term.

4.???????Difficulties--You face problems that grow your character.?These are pain points that we must overcome.?A colleague of mine says they are like “rocks in your shoe.”?They make you uncomfortable and you must remove the rocks for long term success.

5.???????Dead Ends--Your situation becomes impossible.?So true.?There are times where we will hit full on roadblocks that impede or stop growth.?When we get there, don’t let go of the dream!?This is why it is so important to understand your why (see story #2 below!)

6.???????Deliverance— After you have overcome the Delays, Difficulties, and Dead Ends, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Celebrate your success and then… start again!

Moving through these 6 Phases can lead to positive changes in your life.?I am looking forward to reading the entire book.

Are you aware that The Champions Brew explores various topics that I frequently coach and consult on with other leaders and organizations? If you or someone you know is seeking to elevate their business or personal life from underperforming to uncommon, I would love to connect with you and discuss 1:1 or group coaching, as well as performance consulting. In fact, click the following link to schedule a FREE CALL to explore how coaching could benefit you and your team. Let's work together to unleash your full potential and achieve your goals!



·???????Be Happy – “You’re most powerfully positioned to serve the person that you once were.” – Rory Vaden, CEO Brand Builders Group.?This quote was single-handedly the reason that I signed up for coaching from Brand Builders Group in the past year.?This week on Rory Vaden’s blog, he outlined How to Find Your Life’s Purpose in 60 Seconds.?I wanted to share the entire piece with you:


For most of us, the way to find purpose and clarity about our uniqueness is being connected to a “who.”?

And so the questions are:

“Who is your who?”


“How do you find your who?”?

And the answer is that “you are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were.?

There’s a good chance that you’re “who” today is somebody who looks a lot like the person that you were 10 to 20 years ago.

And that is POWERFUL.?

It not only gives you purpose for your future, but it provides perspective for your past.

Meaning it explains why you have experienced pain because every pain has prepared you for this moment.

It has prepared you to become the person that you needed to become, so that you could someday look back and help somebody else.?

I believe that this is God’s divine design of your humanity.

All the things that you have overcome have prepared you for your purpose.??

Which is to look back and serve somebody else going through the same pain you already went through.?


Remember, “You are most powerfully positioned to help the person you used to be.”


·??????Read More –So, I am truly enjoying John Maxwell’s newest book, The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication – Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message.?Each week, I will travel with you through a chapter of this book.?This week we review Law # 7 of 16:


Law # 7 – The Law of Connecting

Communicators Know It’s All About Others


People who focus on themselves seek to gain attention.

Speakers who focus on content give out information.

Communicators who focus on others make a connection.


According to the dictionary, "connect" means "to form a relationship or feel an affinity." This definition resonates with me, as I believe that without a connection between the communicator and the audience, the message is likely to fall flat, regardless of its content. Without that connection, listeners may be merely "interested" but not truly "inspired." On the other hand, if you can connect with your audience, you have the potential to plant insights in their minds that can spur them into action and stick with them for months or even years to come. In fact, John Maxwell himself has stated that Connecting is THE most important of his 16 Laws. So, what are some keys to connecting with others?


1) Realize you are Not the Main Attraction – I think I laughed out loud when I read John’s illustration that he used in a sermon years ago:


It was the first Palm Sunday.?Here came Jesus, riding into Jerusalem on an ass.?Great crowds began to shout, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” Some threw down their coats on the road.?Others spread out palm branches.?

The ass perked up his ears. “Well”, he said, switching a fly off a mangy patch. “I had no idea they thought so well of me.”

POINT OF THE STORY:?When you preach and someone says, “Wow! That was terrific!” they are not actually saying “hosanna” to me.?I need to remind myself I’m just the ass who carried Jesus.”


No matter how important your message is, you must remind yourself that YOU ARE NOT the main attraction!

2) Make Your First Impression Your Best Impression – Practice John Maxwell’s 30-second rule, whether you are in a 1:1 conversation, or presenting to a group: Within thirty seconds of a conversation starting, say something encouraging to the person with which you are conversing.

3) Be Intentional in Seeking to Understand Their World – Meet people where they are.?Put yourself in the place of the other.?Walk a while in their shoes.?If you can put yourself in their shoes and establish what you have in common, then you have a better chance to connect.

4) Be Personable – This is over-simplified but be yourself.?You need to be comfortable with who you are.?If you are uncomfortable or try too hard to be someone else, the people you are communicating to will also be uncomfortable.

5) Develop Charisma – “Charisma is present in people who focus on others first.” – Dan Reiland.?Be present with the audience.?Maxwell spoke of the 4Fs of Speaking:

????????????????i.??????????????Try to sense what the audience feels.

????????????????ii.??????????????Share with them how you have felt the same way.

???????????????iii.??????????????Share with them what you’ve found that has helped you.

???????????????iv.??????????????Offer to help them find help (hope!) for their lives.

If you want to become a great communicator, you MUST practice the Law of Connecting.?You must put the people you are communicating with first.


Quote of the week:


“A gossip is one who talks to you about others; a bore is one who talks to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist wis one who talks to you about yourself.” – Lisa Kirk


What You Need to Do:


Call to Action:?Have you discovered your purpose??Take a few moments this week and reflect back on challenges you have overcome, tragedies you have triumphed over, or setbacks you have survived.?That person may be the ‘who’ that you were put on this earth to help!?


It’s an honor to be your trusted “Friday Coffee Guy”.?Each week, I’m excited to provide yet another round of curated content that I’ve been reading, listening to, watching, or thinking over. The purpose of the Champions Brew is to inspire, equip and encourage you to become the uncommon leader you were designed to be. I am so grateful for your decision to invest a few moments with me! I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Champions Brew. If you did, I would appreciate it if you would share it with someone who might enjoy it as well and ask them to subscribe! I will make sure they automatically get this email every week.


Until next time, Go and Grow Champions!


P.S. - Are you a podcast fan??Maybe the Uncommon Leader podcast is for you.???Are you interested in being a guest on the Uncommon Leader Podcast??Do you have a story to tell??Email me [email protected] and let’s have a chat and set something up!!


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