Your canopy like you've never seen it before
Let's do something different today...
To help you to really understand the capabilities of AI for greenhouse farming, we're going to take you through a canopy investigation using the Neatleaf Spyder.
Let's begin... How do we know something is wrong?
Below, you can see a screenshot of the Neatleaf Spyder dashboard homepage, the chart and the comments below are showing data extracted from an indoor cannabis farm over a 3-day period.
The chart identifies:
? CO2 levels
? Air Temperature
? Air VPD
? Leaf Temperature
? Leaf VPD
? Relative humidity
Each of these metrics are visualised in line with the "normal range" for each factor, helping cultivators and managers quickly identify when factors slip out of normal range.
Below the graph (visualised larger below) are the main symptoms identified over the previous 3 days which cultivators should pay attention to.
When you click on one of the plant symptoms, for example "yellowing" you'll be taken to a map of your entire canopy - visualising exactly where the symptoms are showing in your canopy, from the day they begin to show.
Ok, but what can you do with this data?
Well, since there's a timeline below, you can scroll through time to find out exactly when these symptoms got worse - Let's take a look at it in December:
Here, you can see the yellowing is much less dense.
So, what happened in December?
That's where the line graphs come in...
In the example above, we can see that at the end of December there was an event which caused a significant rise in greenhouse temperatures which likely caused the onset of faster leaf yellowing in this particular canopy.
Now, the cultivators know exactly what caused the problems with their plants and can create a plan for the next cycle.
Want even more detail?
Let's zoom in...
Maybe a little more...
One more time...
Perfect! Now, the date in the timeline is set to December 17th - Let's see what happens when we move that...
Looks bad, doesn't it?
But there's good news...
With the timeline feature aligned with your full canopy view, you can scroll through time to see the exact moment the yellowing started, then use the line graphs to investigate your greenhouse conditions on that day to come up with an effective plan to have a better harvest on your next cycle.
There's so much more that we'd love to share, but we can't fit it into one post.
If you want the full lowdown on what AI can do for your cannabis operation, comment on this post and we'll send you a message.
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