Your Cancer Care Team
Cancer can be a scary word. Even though we may not want to jump to conclusions, when we hear, “You have cancer,” our minds automatically go to the worst case scenario. No matter how many survivor stories we may know, we also know of a number of people whose journey took them away from this life. We hear cancer and think, “Could that be me? Is this the beginning of the end for me?”
There are steps you can take to reduce this fear or anxiety. Honestly, the first and easiest step is to listen to your care team. Whether you prefer eastern or western medicine, your care team is the most important part of your healing journey. Each team is as individual as we are.?
Before you leave the hospital from any surgery, the doctors and nurses will cover your recovery journey. In the moment you may think, “I will absolutely follow each of these recommendations.” Then, reality kicks in, we start feeling better, and the recommendations are slowly put by the wayside.?
After my lumpectomy and lymph node removal surgery, the recommendation was to not lift anything more than 10lbs for six weeks. By week three, I was ready to conquer the world, and I almost did. I forced myself to fully follow the recommendations for optimal healing. You see, if I would have listened to my ego instead of my care team, I could have set my journey back considerably. It is important to listen to your body as well. When you actually take a step back and listen to your body and the instructions from the medical community, I assure you, your recovery will be faster, and you will be back in action sooner.
My doctor’s appointment to take a second look at the lump found six months prior was on a Tuesday. By Friday, I was on the table for the lumpectomy. We didn’t think anything of it as this is the same thing we went through five years beforehand. Only, this time, things weren’t the same. This time, it was cancer.?
Twenty days later, I was back in the hospital for my lymph node removal surgery to see if the cancer spread. Thankfully, it didn’t. Since I haven’t ever had two surgeries within three weeks, I made sure to follow the discharge papers even closer than before. This time, things were different. Healing was going to take longer than expected. This time, it wasn’t just the physical healing and following the discharge papers. Emotional healing was a different kind of challenge. And in all honesty, I’m still working on the emotional healing part of all of this.
The two surgeries mentioned above were relatively easy. For me, the healing process post-surgery is usually pretty seamless. I am grateful for my body’s ability to recover from injury or surgery quickly. Even still, I had to consciously be aware of not overdoing things. I’m certain people closest to me thought I was overdoing things physically. Recording two very important podcasts, going to a Tim McGraw concert, and attending my nephew’s graduation open house were all activities that helped heal my soul. But honestly, it might have been a bit much for me physically than what I should have done. Just be careful and listen to your team. You might slip up like I did, but show yourself kindness.?
Up to this point, my cancer journey had been fairly easy. Yes, there were two surgeries within three weeks. Yes, there was an MRI and an extensive consultation with the plastic surgeon. Yes, the vast amounts of research and understanding new medical terminology had our heads reeling. But all in all, the recovery was simple, because the surgeries were simple.?
Our journey to healing was just beginning. Cancer was still in my body. The uncertainty of it all had a few challenging moments. Knowing my care team was by my side made all the difference.?
When you consider your team, remember it’s more than your surgeons, nurses, hypnotists, or energy healers. Your team is your family and friends who are willing to be by your side without judgment and respecting your boundaries. Your care team is your church or synagogue. Your care team is anyone who pours into you and loves you on this journey.?
This is your season to be particular about the people around you. Your main purpose is to heal from cancer. If there is anyone who slows that down because they cause you stress and anxiety, they can wait on the sidelines. Let their feelings be hurt. It’s not about them, it’s about you. It’s about making sure you’re surrounding yourself with positivity and gratitude.?
Until next time,
Orsika Julia
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