"Your Buyer's Money,"
Chapter 7 of Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone emphasizes the abundance of money in the world and how everyone has the potential to tap into it. Cardone argues that there is enough wealth circulating globally for everyone to be worth a billion dollars, but the real question is, Are you getting your share?
One key insight Cardone shares is how buyers can act funny when it's time to part with their money. It’s as if money takes on a personal identity for them, and they feel different once it’s handed over to someone else. However, Cardone believes that this emotional response is part of the sales process and can be navigated effectively.
He also introduces the concept that the second money is easier to obtain than the first. Cardone illustrates this with a personal experience where he persuaded a company to go beyond their initial budget. Despite being uncomfortable with spending more, he convinced them to go all the way, and they agreed to spend even more than originally planned. This shows that sometimes, once a buyer has already committed, spending more can feel easier and even more satisfying.
Lastly, Cardone stresses that prospects often want more than they initially say. As a salesperson, it’s crucial to understand that people typically have a desire to upgrade, spend more, or experience a higher level of service than they originally planned. By guiding them to make these decisions, you help them feel better about the purchase, which in turn benefits you as the seller.