Is your business using crisis pain as crisis fuel in advance of a crisis?
The Engine Limited
Ready to power up your business results. Working with us you will.
Life can be seemingly going well and then suddenly a curve ball hits – I am sure you know what I am meaning. When that curve ball happens in business the impact becomes a domino effect to many – your staff, your clients, potential clients, the business information and so on.
Disaster recovery and business continuity plans today are more important than ever. What is the risk of a disaster occurring? Given the events of 2020 I'm sure no one in business isn't well aware of what business disruption looks like.
And if that business disruption were to become a reality, for your business what would it cost to be down for hours, days or even weeks? Or even to lose a key person within your organisation overnight.
Have you got a disaster recovery plan in place in your business?
Read More in our full newsletter... including:
'Disaster will strike again' - The Engine are one of the facilitators.
Click the link for our Full Newsletter.