Is Your Business on a Regret Path or an Opportunity Super Highway?

Is Your Business on a Regret Path or an Opportunity Super Highway?

Want to know the difference between "being ready" versus "wishful thinking?"

Back in 2012, Jaclyn Johnson launched Create & Cultivate to help empower women in the business world.

In 6 years she grew her business and caught the attention of serious investors. That’s when a life-changing $40 million acquisition offer landed on her desk.

Not bad for 6 years work…

But there was a problem.

During due diligence, the buyers got cold feet when they realised Jaclyn ran her business with an all-in, hands-on approach. They weren’t interested in buying a job so they pulled out and explored other opportunities elsewhere.

Jaclyn to her credit didn’t throw in the towel.

Instead, she took a hard look at how she was running the business. The takeaway?

It was too reliant upon her and so had no value outside of her control.

Jaclyn took her $40 million lesson in making a business independent and got to work.

Within two years, she put in systems and processes and learned how to effectively delegate.

By end of 2019, she had transformed Create & Cultivate into an independent business asset with $14 million in revenue and a robust $4 million EBITDA.

When acquirers came knocking again, Jaclyn was ready. This time, she sealed the deal with Corridor Capital at a cool $22 million.

Happy ending to the story?

Well yes in that she still received a life changing amount.

But no, in that she could have earned $18 million more and had $40 million to invest and pursue other opportunities two years earlier than she did.

So, what’s the moral of this story? Always be prepared.

Transform your business into an asset that thrives, with or without you.

That’s when you truly can take advantage of any opportunity that comes you way.

So in your business journey can you take these opportunities or you collecting signposts of regret?

You’ll be surprised how many of you are on a Regret Path instead of an Opportunity Highway.. without knowing it.

If you’re in Dubai, guiding you to the On Ramp of the Opportunity Highway is the focus of our next 2-Part Workshop Profit and Dine Mastermind on Wednesday 24 April.?

In this 2 -Part workshop plus dinner we will focus the first part on helping business owners with first class delegation so they can step back and free themselves from the day-to-day. ?

In part 2, we focus on helping business owners drive up their word of mouth referrals by putting them on a highway to effective referral partnerships instead of “collecting business card” networking events.

In both parts, I will be joined by a business owner expert in each part.

Click here if you want peace of mind delegating to your staff or meeting others at networking events - and of course if you enjoy a cigar..

My name is George Sotiropoulos

I'll give you the clarity to confidently make decisions and investments that drive your business forward and give you the life you want.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out more by clicking here to check out our different services and resources.



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