Is Your Business Leaking Money?
Are You Wearing Too Many Hats and Juggling Too Many Balls?

Is Your Business Leaking Money?

It might seem like a strange situation to be in but so many newly successful business owners are losing money simply because they are juggling too many balls.

Maybe you have too many balls in the air? If you do, how often do you drop one?

None of us can expect to keep everything going smoothly for too long if we don't take the time to take stock and implement some form of structure or system.

Often, what is right under our nose can be seen by someone taking a 30,000 foot objective view.

A client, and friend, of mine has developed what he calls The Business Value Optimizer. And it is awesome. It comprises a 26 point analysis of any small to medium sized business, which results in plotting a series key metrics to provide a vivid snapshot.

When the snapshot is scrutinized, it can reveal and suggest a whole range of simple, yet quick actions that can, not only streamline a business, but also release and produce cash almost like magic. Cash that can be put to use to improve operations, or invested for growth elsewhere.

The result of one recent client produced an extra $80,000 per year, another tripled his annual turnover simply by adding a monthly option to his service instead of just offering a single sale.

Contact me and I'll give you the details of his free 30 minute consultation where he gives you a series of things you can do yourself.


Frankie Barwell - Business Coach的更多文章

