Your Business Could Fail Without These Key Strategies: Start Working on it Today
Crossroads Professional Coaching
Grow your business. Make informed decisions. Increase sales. Move forward. Honor God.
Owning a business often feels like you’ve traded flexibility for more work. One major reason is that we become our business’s primary ‘technician’, losing sight of the bigger picture.
Whether you have an accounting firm, delivery service, or counseling practice, if you’re spending all your time doing accounting, making deliveries, or counseling, your business is probably suffering.
Spend 20-30% of Your Time Working On Your Business
We need to spend at least 20%-30% of our time working “on” our business, not “in” it.
Why? If we’re a small business, what could take so long?
The biggest problem occurs when you get behind on business management. Here are a few scenarios that may sound familiar:
With the ease of online resources like Quickbooks or Fresh Books, you can easily have accurate financial statements.
In the past, everyone needed a business card. Today, a small business must have a website and some consistent social media presence. Start small, but make sure that your website matches the business you want to become and get the word out on social media. Remember, even if you only post twice a month, make sure that you are consistent. Start with the frequency you know you can maintain.
Instead of hiring the first person who comes along or asking your neighbor’s niece, try posting a job on platforms like Indeed. You can find qualified candidates within a budget, and get the skills and culture fit you really need.
You may have a few employees, but go ahead and split up the training. At least have a plan for the new employee to shadow other team members. Ensure they take notes as they go, which can be the start of the new procedures.
If any of these, or a variation of these, sounds like you, they are issues that can be prevented by working “on” your business. These suggestions are only a couple of solutions. There is more than one way to skin a cat, though.
As a small business owner, making it a routine to spend 20-30% of your time working on your business now will save you time and money later and may actually save your business!
Someone Else May Run Your Business After You Fail
I have a family member who ran his own business for several years. Sales were great, and his business was building a brand name.
He didn’t have time to work on his business. After a few years of hard work and sweat, he had to turn his business over to someone else because he didn’t pay the correct taxes or maintain proper accounting records.
When the time came to pay the back taxes, he didn’t have the money. The bank wouldn’t lend it to him because he couldn’t present financial statements, and his credit was shot.
He had to move on, but 20 years later, the person he turned the business over to is still running it!
How would your infrastructure hold up if you quickly doubled sales? Could you handle the business with the same quality and responsiveness you had envisioned when you started?
What Exactly is Working On Your Business
As you may have gleaned above, working on your business is managing the sustainability and growth of the company, not just doing the work that produces the product or is the service of your business.
Things to consider as you plan to work on your business:
These are all examples of working on your business rather than in your business. Start now and develop a three-month plan to incorporate time into your schedule to work on your business.
Resources to Work On Your Business
A couple of excellent resources to help you are:
These books are foundational in business, and all have integral parts that will help you work on your business.
Put The Time In Now
By investing time now in these foundational aspects of your business, you’ll avoid future pitfalls and set yourself up for sustainable growth. Remember, it’s the long-term planning that makes all the difference.