Is Your Business? Capable?
How do you make your businesses capable of achieving all that it can achieve?
Well, it all starts with having the right strategy.
Over the years what I have found is that most businesses like to make plans. They spend time thinking about what they are going to do and how to move the business forwards.
However, once it arrives at the actual execution of the plans and making the strategy work, the first thing they do is to ignore their strategy! this is crazy! I mean, why would you spend all that time and effort working out the plan, and then totally ignore it when it comes to implementation?
A strategy should be a living document. As your business evolves, as you find out more information, as you execute your plans, the strategy develops further as you learn and evolve more. Your strategy should change with you, to the point where it becomes something that's representative of what you're doing and how you can move your business forward.
So, thinking about this further, how do you create your strategy or take your present strategy and make something better out of it?
Well for me; I believe in taking a very structured approach to this process. Once you've got your basic strategy defined, you can then develop your fundamental principles. Moreover, those principals that are the building blocks of the strategy should also help provide the required creativity and solutions to achieve the end goal and produce things.
In building this strategy and principles interrelationship, you will, in effect, be working through everything involved in creating your thing. So in producing the document you may well have thought about, and allowed for an endless number of opportunities, possibility’s and many ideas.
However, in doing so, you might very quickly become overwhelmed. A good analogy might be …Read More