Is Your Business Built on Marketing Myths or Reality? Let's learn from ?gantija
During my travels, it’s impossible to ignore some of the common themes to success. Not just in marketing yourself, but in life.
In Malta, the ?gantija Temples stand tall as a symbol of ancient mystery and legend. According to the story, these massive structures were built by a giantess named Sunsuna, who carried the stones on her back—impressive, right?
But here’s the twist: she fell in love with and married a regular human man. Sounds like something out of a fairy tale, doesn’t it? Does this sound like your personal brand offer?
Now, think about your business.
Are you chasing the myth of easy success—hoping for a giant leap forward without putting in the real work?
Because let me tell you: those shortcuts won’t lead you to the solid, sustainable growth you need.
Here’s what you should focus on:
? Don’t Build on Myths – Like the ?gantija legend, you can’t expect your business to thrive based on fantasy and fairy-tale shortcuts. Build on real foundations, not dreams of instant success. Was Sunsuna real? Difficult to tell. But someone built those megaliths.
? True Partnerships Lead to Success – Sunsuna’s strength wasn’t just in her size—it was in her partnership with a regular man. In business, real success comes from collaboration, teamwork, and building authentic relationships. Join our free community and find your tribe.
? Sustainability is Key – The ?gantija temples are still standing today because they were built for the long haul. Similarly, your business needs a strategy that focuses on sustainability and growth, not quick fixes. Don’t listen to those wind-up merchants offering you $10k months. I’m pretty sure Sunsuna would have laughed at them.
Join a movement. Join our free community on X, and let’s build a business that’s rooted in reality, not myths.
Don’t fall into the Coach Trap and build your own ?gantija.
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Greg Styan