Your Brand Can Talk the Talk, But What's it Saying?
Brand messaging separates a forgettable brand from one lodging in your ideal customer's brain.

Your Brand Can Talk the Talk, But What's it Saying?

Hey guys! Welcome to today's episode.

Last time, we dove into your brand's tone of voice – how you express yourself.?

But now, let's tackle the WHAT.?

Enter your messaging strategy.?

This separates a forgettable brand from one lodging in your ideal customer's brain.

Let's take a look.

Messaging vs. Marketing – What's the Diff?

  • Marketing:?The whole enchilada – ads, promos, etc.
  • Messaging:?You repeat the core ideas until they become synonymous with your brand.

Strong Messaging Does This:

  • Clarity:?People get who you are and what you do in seconds. No brain strain is required.
  • Focus:?Nike's "Just Do It" isn't about shoes, it's a mindset. That's powerful messaging.
  • Differentiation:?Why are you over the competitor? Your messaging better say it clearly.

The Messaging Mix

Your Mission

Why do you exist?

Get philosophical with this one.

This goes beyond just the product or service you offer.

It's the driving force and the "why" behind your work.

  • Example 1: Patagonia (Outdoor Clothing Company)?"We're in business to save our home planet."?

This focuses on an overarching ideal (environmental sustainability) that informs everything they do, making it aspirational and larger-than-life.

  • Example 2: Dove (Beauty Products)

"To help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with how they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential."?

This has a defined target audience (women) and addresses a core emotional/societal need, not just physical beauty.

Value Prop

What SPECIFIC problem do you solve?

Not just,?"We're the best!"

  • Example 1: Uber (Ride-hailing Service)

Value Proposition:?"Tap a button, get a ride."

They succinctly solve the problems of waiting for taxis, unpredictable rates, and the hassle of using cash.

  • Example 2: Grammarly (Writing Assistant Software)

Value Proposition:?"Clear, mistake-free writing that makes the right impression."

Focused on the anxiety many feel about their writing, with the promise of both accuracy and positive image.


Tagline is a catchy phrase that sticks with people.

Think of it like an advertising jingle.

  • Example 1: Nike

Tagline:?"Just Do It."

Evocative, action-oriented, not directly about sportswear but an attitude it represents.

  • Example 2: Apple

Tagline:?"Think Different."

Challenges conformity aligns with an image of creativity and innovation.

That's Nice, But What Does It?Look?Like?

Imagine a super niche snack brand that targets healthy older athletes.

Their messaging might be:

  • "Fuel your comeback"
  • Emphasis on performance ingredients rather than 'low calorie' stuff.
  • Customer testimonials from 50+ folks getting personal records.

Get Real Help Crafting Your Message

Sure, I can dish out advice all day.

But crafting those perfect few lines that nail your brand?

That's where the strategy magic happens.

You know the drill – DM me on LinkedIn or at [email protected]

Something Quirky

Remember "Got Milk?"

It is simple, direct, and weirdly memorable despite not even really referencing a specific milk brand.

The Wrap-Up!

Strong messaging takes those tone of voice principles and gives them purpose.?

The best messaging mixes align seamlessly.

Mission, value proposition, and tagline work together to tell a coherent story about your brand, not just spit out random marketing-speak.

Until next time, keep those brand-building wheels turning!?

Ileke Airende

Leading Marketing at Joint Labs| Web3 Marketing| B2B/ B2C Marketing| Content/Copy Writer | Project Manager | Public Speaker | Event Host

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