Shepherd Leadership
Kurt S. Wilson
LinkedIn invited Expert [expert contributor] Skills: Management and Leadership · Program Lead · Training · Design and Delivery · Learning and Development
Are you barking at your people.., how far can #FearManagement go before your people bite back..?
At this stage I am meant to write a preamble about the content of this article and bore you with my first stanza and such. I have a masters degree and I have been writing for a long time, as an international practitioner I have successfully developed employees, coached CEO's and managers alike. I work with people in organisations to establish safe cultures that lead to increase employee performance and organisational change that breaks down wall so that the organisation can meet and exceed its vision and goals. So with respect to you I am skipping some of the formalities so we can get to it... I am not attempting to write an academic article that will be published in an esteemed journal etc. That said, what I am attempting to do is highlight the importance of employee empowerment.
#EmployeeEmpowered a partnership, to get you to see your peoples as partners rather than employees. So we develop our partner, so that they can partner with us. That's true power, no #FearManagement needed here and that is at the heart of what I write and do. Training for training sake, I have resisted that my who career. So back to the subject on hand, effective ways to work well with your partners, that leads us to look at developing them and not sending your managers off to conferences which will not help them help partner with your employees.
The Leadership Industry
Sadly leadership these days seems to be less about leadership and more about marking, promotion and selling stuff...
#ThatIsNotLeadership that's the industry of selling books, conferences and social media sales... There are great books out there, amazing books on leadership, but go to a conference on leadership, those books are not for sale, because they are not promoting leadership, they are promoting the speaker the #HeroInTheRoom the one you are meant to follow, it's like a church service and instead of worshiping Jesus, the focus is on the #MessiahLeader not because he leads with the tenants of God, but because we are to sign on to his stuff so that he can maximise his profit; the very opposite of those letter WWJD. What would Jesus do, he would smell like his sheep, cause as a leader he spends his time there, he smells like fish because when he found his disciples they were fishermen. #Simply Jesus lead with a purpose, he wasn't trying to be a conference speaker yet everywhere he spoke it was packed out, he wasn't trying to sell books yet there is a bible that recorded his life. So what was he doing, developing people, so that they could think for themselves. Leaders develop individuals so that they thrive, increase in their skill, competency and performance; they don't try to make themselves rich and famous and yet no one is as famous as Jesus.
Leaders Should Stink
Shepherd leadership comes from our heart. It is a genuine desire to serve others. When we lead through service for one another, we reveal our heart. As Dr. Artika Tyner, a distinguished professor of public policy and leadership, wrote,
“The heart of the leader is manifested through service to others.”?
A Shepherd smells like his sheep, do you smell like your people or the sweet smell of your corner office..? I've worked in many corner offices, but would often only see them twice a day, once at the start and once at the end of the day...
#RealLeaders don't get seen, they don't become famous and they are often smelly and their hands are dirty...
If you want to get things done and meet your performance goals, you've got to spend time with the people who do the work...
The Boss is the owner that doesn't make him/her a leader
We confuse owners with leaders, who rightly say I hire people to do that, but often the people hired take the lead from 'The Boss', how often have you heard the phrase, 'That's not my job'. We need to redifine what #Leadership means (we throw that word around like a title) and those who take that title often think they are the in charge and powerful.
Effective Leadership
Effective Leadership inspires employees, it's not about being in charge, its not about power over, control and being the boss...
#EffectiveLeaders empower their employees and lead them to drive the organisation forward...
#TugOfWar Consider where the leader is positioned, that's right at the very back...
The players begin tugging the rope when the referee gives the signal. Each player pulls backwards as hard as they can. The teams continue pulling until the center of the rope (the white tape mark) crosses where the referee is standing. The game ends when the referee declares one team has successfully pulled the past the center.
#BetterTogether So like tug-of-war, when we work together, everyone wins; sure it may be uncomfortable, you may end up smelling like a sheep, but at the end of each day a team is built and we all win; we build calluses on your hands together, we get stronger together and when we look behind us, the leader(s) are behind us, supporting us.
#ProfitOverPeople When you put people first, profit comes without issues such as employee sabotage and the typical results of disconnected employees that is a direct result of leading with a profit motive...
You smell like your sheep because you develop your teams, not from your office but with them, you mentor them, keep them connected and you spend time with them (you know your employees and they trust and know you)...
#EndResult They give you their best wool, they trust you and they do more than just turn up doing enough not to get fired and their only focus is picking up their pay check (they too become profit focused)...
#RealLeaders Your people know you, trust you and turn up before they need to so they can be ready to pull that rope when you need them; they arrive at work ready...
#ShepherdLeadership Your people come first, protect them, work with them and you will get the results you are looking for, without having to hire a wolf to scare your employees to do their best work...
Do you believe in #TrueLeadership or #PowerOverEmployees
When you leave the room, do your employees remain inspired ready to implement your vision or do they roll their eyes...
Good Leadership Stuff
Look behind you, if there is no one there, maybe you are a boss and not a leader... So many of us pay people to turn up and think we are a leader, because you have the power to higher and fire; sorry you are a boss. We do as you say, because we don't want to lose our job. It's not too late, if you are a boss, you can become a leader that drives performance and have employees who are inspired to come to work rather than just doing enough to not get fired, your employees will want to thrive and can become self motivated - if you leader them rather than boss them around...
What does that look like, stop telling them what to do using #FearManagmentThreats start treating the way you like to be treated, here are some good ideas on building a leadership platform, good things to work on and develop within your organisation with your employees,
What Leadership could look like
A good leader?takes responsibility for their leadership. They understand that everything they do directly affects the people they lead. In other words, the best leaders lead with their followers in mind. And one of the most important leadership traits is engaging your followers, that means you have to turn up, keep your promises, spend time, coach, roll up your sleeves and yes, by the end of the day #SmellLikeYourSheep
Good leaders don't tell: they listen.?Listening to and observing others?is a great way to get ideas and gain perspective. Listen to your coworkers, your boss, your peers, your customers and the overall marketplace. By understanding the perspectives of others, you get a better understanding of the challenges at hand.
What is a True Leader? Simply put, a true leader leads by example,?fostering strong relationships with individuals and teams alike and ensuring that all reach their full potential while, importantly, achieving organizational goals.
As well as providing direction, inspiration, and guidance, good leaders exhibit courage, passion, confidence, commitment, and ambition. They nurture the strengths and talents of their people and build teams committed to achieving common goals. The most effective leaders have the following traits in common.
#GoodStuff Stuff Leaders Do Well
1. Share Their Vision
A leader with vision has a clear idea of where they want to go, how to get there and what success looks like. Be sure to articulate your vision clearly and passionately, ensuring your team understands how their individual efforts contribute to higher level goals. Personally working toward your vision with persistence, tenacity, and enthusiasm will inspire and encourage others to do the same.
2. Lead By Example
As a leader, the best way to build credibility and gain the respect of others is to set the right examples. Demonstrate the behavior that you want people to follow. If you demand a lot of your team, you should also be willing to set high standards for yourself. Aligning your words and actions will help to build trust and make your team more willing to follow your example.
3. Demonstrate Integrity
A leader with integrity draws on their values to guide their decisions, behavior, and dealings with others. They have clear convictions about what is right and wrong and are respected for being genuine, principled, ethical and consistent. They have a strong sense of character, keep their promises, and communicate openly, honestly and directly with others. Displaying integrity through your daily actions will see you rewarded with loyalty, confidence, and respect from your employees.
4. Communicate Effectively
The ability to communicate clearly, concisely and tactfully is a crucial leadership skill. Communication involves more than just listening attentively to others and responding appropriately. It also includes sharing valuable information, asking intelligent questions, soliciting input and new ideas, clarifying misunderstandings, and being clear about what you want. The best leaders also communicate to inspire and energize their staff.
5. Make Hard Decisions
To be an effective leader, the ability to make fast, difficult decisions with limited information is critical. When facing a tough decision, start by determining what you are trying to achieve. Consider the likely consequences of your decision and any available alternatives. Make your final decision with conviction, take responsibility for it and follow it through. Being a resolute and confident decision-maker will allow you to capitalize on opportunities and earn the respect of your team.
6. Recognize Success
Frequently and consistently recognizing achievement is one of the most powerful habits of inspiring leaders. For people to stretch themselves and contribute their best efforts, they need to know their work will be valued and appreciated. Find ways to celebrate the achievements of your people, even if it’s through a simple ‘well done.’ As well as boosting morale, it will also strengthen their motivation to continue giving their best.
7. Empower Others
Great leaders understand that for people to give their best, they must have a sense of ownership over their work and believe that what they’re doing is meaningful. Communicate clear goals and deadlines to your team, and then give them the autonomy and authority to decide how the work gets done. Challenge them with high expectations and encourage them to be creative and show innovation.
8. Motivate and Inspire
The best leaders drive their team forward with passion, enthusiasm, inspiration and motivation. Invest time in the people you lead to determine their strengths, needs, and priorities. As well as making them feel valuable, this will help you to understand the best way to motivate them. Continually reinforce how their efforts are making a difference, and encourage the development of their potential with meaningful goals and challenges.
Understanding Leadership
Effective leaders take a personal interest in the long-term development of their employees, and they use tact and other social skills to encourage employees to achieve their best. It isn’t about being “nice” or “understanding”—it’s about tapping into individual motivations in the interest of furthering an organizationwide goal.?by?W.C.H. Prentice
Entrepreneur/ Founder of Paraclete Aquaculture Limited/Manager (Government Administration)
1 年Fear management may work for a time but the minute that a reasonable opportunity comes along, that employee will be gone. Unfortunately, some employees will stay because they feel that they wont or cant succeed anywhere else, so they stay on and continue to endure the abuse. Hopefully, those in this category will one day see the "light" and let the light guide their life.