Your Body, Your Password
Biometrics: Voice, fingerptint and retina are good for login protection; continuous behavioral biomentrics are next.
Passwords are totally out of control. You probably have thousands of them and remember none of them. Some insist on a mixture of crazy characters, uppercase letters and numbers, making sure you’ll never remember your password.
Requesting a new one requires remembering your own trivia—Your first pet’s name or your second-grade teacher, or having secret codes sent to your mobile device, or recognizing bizarre sequences of unreadable “captcha” characters, just to name a few. Never mind the fact that password log-ons are incredibly hackable and human naivety is partly to blame.
Biometrics, using physical (and now behavioral) features for identification purposes, are about to start replacing passwords. You become your own password. Some recognize faces. Others recognize fingerprints, heartbeats, retinas or even brainwaves.
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