Are Your Board Leadership Practices Causing Turnover?
Helping Board Members and Executives create succession plans to ensure smooth and successful transitions.
“Til Death Do Us Part Inc.” realized that they needed to start doing board succession planning since they would likely be having a ton of turnover in the near future, because their board was getting older. What they didn’t realize was that their board leadership policy would cause another board member to leave earlier than they expected.?
Background on “Til Death Do Us Part Inc.”
The board at this organization consisted of seven members. At the time of this story, six of the seven members were over the age of 70, three of whom were actually over the age of 80. The one other board member was in her 60s. Because of their aging board, they decided to hire a consultant to help them through the board succession planning process.
The Board Succession Planning Process
A consultant came in and worked with the entire board to create a succession plan. What they did first was they picked the competencies that they wanted represented on their board. Then, each board member needed to rate their own level of expertise on each of the competencies – either no expertise, a basic level, an advanced level, or an expert level. The next step is to have each board member estimate when they may leave the board.
Here is where the consultant ran into some hesitation from the board members. They didn’t know when they would be ready to leave the board. And, a lot of board members were hesitant to put down a date at all because they didn’t want it to be set in stone and then be forced out before they were ready. After the consultant explained the process and alleviated their anxieties, the board members estimated their departure dates. The consultant then showed them a chart of when people would be leaving the board and which competencies they would be lacking.
The Results
What they saw on the chart was not entirely surprising. It showed that there would be a ton of turnover in the next few years as the older board members left the board. But, there was one big shock! They found out that the youngest board member was planning on leaving next year!
The consultant was extremely confused, and the youngest board member explained that their board has a policy of rotating the board chair position every year and everyone needs to take a turn in the leadership role. Next year was her turn as board chair and she did not want to be in that position, so she was planning to leave the board instead.?
Things to Consider From this Story
What You Can Do
The Balanced Board Planner?
Make sure your board is ready for inevitable turnover with SUCCESSIONapp?'s "Balanced Board Planner?". This planner outlines examples of board turnover issues, explains the board contribution curve, and provides a checklist to ensure your board is always balanced. Download now!