Your Black Life Matters To Me
Jonathan Dunnemann
Basketball is more than a game: It's a path to balance, excellence, and transcendent personal peace.
When black folk say “Black Lives Matter,” they are in search of simple recognition. That they are decent human beings, that they aren’t likely to commit crimes, that they’re reasonably smart. That they’re no more evil than the next person, that they’re willing to work hard to get ahead, that they love their kids and want them to do better than they did. That they are loving and kind and compassionate. And that they should be treated with the same respect that the average, nondescript, unexceptional white male routinely receives without fanfare or the expectation of gratitude in return.
Let's be perfectly clear, when we boldly stand in the public square with our hands up in the air, affirming in speech that black lives matter we must be sure to also turnaround and face our black brothers and sisters in our community and then by courageously appealing to their hearts, their conscience, their collective understanding of our past history of oppression and violence, and say to them most affectionately, humbly and proudly that your black life matters to me.?
You wholly matter to me and I desperately need to also matter to you. Therefore, let's make it our No. 1 priority to do no further harm to each other or anyone else because that is what matters most both for the sanctity of human life and the eternal preciousness of the souls of black folks.?
Once this level of understanding and commitment is reached, then and only then, will our black lives matter in a way that divinely counts and will make the biggest difference now, in the future, and well into the next generation.
So please hear me deeply when I say to you, Your Black life Matters To Me!